
Jul 15, 2013
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
that's the most creative and incredible title you've ever seen, amiright? no? okay.

hellur i'm Sammie. i love ACNL.. a lot. i'm 14 years old. i'm shy at first but then i'm a chatty kathy lol~

i came from a very popular animal crossing website.. but it's very overrun with nonsense threads about duplicating and annoying debate topics lately. it's exhausting. so. bam. google time. and thus, my profile on belltreeforums was made.

hm. wut else. oh. i would appreciate it if i could exchange friend codes with a few of you guys on here. it gets a little boring without visiting someone's town, or having guests over. so. however you do that on this site.. that would be great.

thanks for reading this, i know you guys are probably busy beetle hunting and turnip selling to check these intro threads out. so. thanks for making me feel welcome. we coo' cats gotta stick together, bruh.
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Welcome to the forums! :3

I'm a Chatty Kathy too...I think we'll get along juuuuust fine.
oi, another cool cat, huh?~ nice to meet you stranger. or should i say fellow kathy. e-e

thank ya for the warm welcomesss!

...omg why not. may i visit your town tho? mine was just created two days ago and i literally don't even have the island lolol.
Hi! :D Welcome to the bell tree forums! I'm pretty new here myself! I already made lots of new friends ^ u ^ /
I hope we can visit each other's towns soon :D