You can remove it, thank you! c:Aw, absolutely, I'll add you to the list now! I love when people show interest in low tiered villagers~
Yeah that's fine! I'll update the list~
Aww, sorry you missed her lol, thanks for your interest anyway! Would you like to remain on the list for her or be removed?~
Can I lurk for Cranston, Julia, and Flora? Ty!
I can be removed from lurking for Hazel & Sherb but would love to lurk for Leonardo
Glad you're trying the threads! I'll add you to the list for Chadder~New to these threads but they seem really nice! May I lurk for the living cheese? (AKA Chadder)
Forgive me, I know nothing about the series, but NieR: Automata looks really cool!
hi! can i lurk for genji, deirdre, and fuschia? ;v;
Oh sorry I forgot to unlurk for anybody I was lurking for, found them already, sorry.
Could you invite Static by amiibo? Can pay greatly in NMT for him!
You can remove it, thank you! c:
Is Dom still available? I'd like to take him for 2mil IGB!!
Of course! Adding you now~
No problem, updating now~
Glad you're trying the threads! I'll add you to the list for Chadder~
I know nothing about the series as a whole either tbh, but I'm a hoe for NieR: Automata :3
Absolutely! Adding you now~
Oh that's okay! Glad you found them <3!
I'm sorry, I don't own Static's amiibo card~
No problem, thanks for lurking!
Yes, Dom is still available! When are you able to pick him up?~
Right now if you can!!
What amiibo's do you happen to own?No problem, sending you a PM
What amiibo's do you happen to own?
I would love to have Filbert (amiibo), willing to pay 25 NMT for him or higher if needed!
Ok that's fine, not to rush anything by any means but I was wondering how long this could take? I'm planning on getting someone out todayHe's listed as B Tier, so I'd charge 10 NMT or 1mil IGB
Ok that's fine, not to rush anything by any means but I was wondering how long this could take? I'm planning on getting someone out today
Alright that's fine with me!Well I've cycled him in just now; I'm thinking it'll take in between 15 - 30 minutes for me to cycle him out, but I have to be at work soon, so I wouldn't be available again until 11:30pm Eastern Standard Time for you to pick him up.
Alright that's fine with me!