Cycling [Yosville] Joining another cycling thread. Check first post

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Red Panda
Nov 18, 2013
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
100% (158) +
Moving over to join this cycling thread.
It's more fun to cycle with people you like <3 C:

So find me there.
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Oh I am so sorry I did have Blaire but she JUST left like yesterday
Oh I am so sorry I did have Blaire but she JUST left like yesterday
Thank you , but I've got blaire. I got her from someone earlier, just as i restarted my town.
Hadn't put her on the list yet though as she hadn't moved in yet, which she has now. Right in front of my houseXD
Oh LOL. I thought you didn't get her. I was like WAAAAH ;________;

Now that'd have been some bad luck! Lol c:
She's moving in. right in front of my house

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Ohyes. I love her, so she's welcome anywhere. ;d
How does one prove she's a dreamie of theirs?
By stalking threads and posting stating they're looking for them. Having them in their signature. I suppose. If a person has a lot of names in its signature except for the one they're claiming, it's obviously not a dreamie. =P
By stalking threads and posting stating they're looking for them. Having them in their signature. I suppose. If a person has a lot of names in its signature except for the one they're claiming, it's obviously not a dreamie. =P

Ah right yeah. Diana is a dreamie of mine but I sort of got disheartened when I realised how popular she is. I don't have the bells for a bidding war, and I'm not a very good lurker, I have about 9 tabs open for all the cycling threads haha so I get confused
Ah right yeah. Diana is a dreamie of mine but I sort of got disheartened when I realised how popular she is. I don't have the bells for a bidding war, and I'm not a very good lurker, I have about 9 tabs open for all the cycling threads haha so I get confused

I have that same problem while lurking in cycling threads. XD

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Sig pic is good proof :3
indeed c:

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Going for a bit. See you guys later ~
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