You call this a city, huh?

crakgenius said:
Yeah pets would be okay, so long as they aren't dogs or cats. As long as they are small and stay like in a cage or an aquarium, so maybe you could buy reptiles... or turtles. Tortimer might not like that though.
I always thought it'd be cool to like, throw all your fish in one aquarium..
Krazy Karl said:
Personaly I would of liked the city to be a mid-point, where you can connect with other players in the city at that same time as you. Also if it was bigger with more shops, maybe even set shops such as Sofas R us or something.
I wouldn't have minded a kinf od secondary tom nooks... like a kind of salvation army knockoff....

Or this little advancement, is that if there was a theater, it showed screenshots that showed off your friends towns, and some screenshots might reveal certain trees that had furniture or berried spots in it... keeps ya connected somewhat....

i dunno, thats just me....
Clown Town said:
the city was put in to make us want to stay in our towns... thats what i think... i really think it would be so much better if you could have friends come to ur town and then u go to the city... then it would be great... ur ideas are awesome just to say... but there is so much that still needs to be touched by this... like i think that K.K. Slider should own his own bar where he has his other friends play instead of him... then it would be like a cat playing the piano or somthing...
Rover :gyroidsideways:
I wish that you could buy that shop behind kicks so when youve done paying of your martgages you couls own the shop and sell what you wanted.
yeah i know what you mean and there should be like a lottery where you can win bells and a shop where you can win items also i thought a quiz shop would be cool

the city wasnt as good as i thought i mean u cant even go with ur friends