You guys are nuts.


Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
I only got this game on the 24th, okay, but I only have 6 badges, and though my team is strong, I see some of you are already on the Elite 4 and have Dialga/Palkia. Is it just me, or am I slow? Or were you also at roughly the same place I am on your 4th day with the game?
Bulerias said:
I only got this game on the 24th, okay, but I only have 6 badges, and though my team is strong, I see some of you are already on the Elite 4 and have Dialga/Palkia. Is it just me, or am I slow? Or were you also at roughly the same place I am on your 4th day with the game?
I just got dialga last night... so yeah, you're not slow.
UltraByte said:
I think that some people play this game TOO much.
Yeah... I mean, even I do, but I'm surprised that people are getting farther ahead than I am. I already have 20-something hours clocked into it, and people have more? Gah...

And I thought I play too much. D:
UltraByte said:
UltraByte said:
I think that some people play this game TOO much.
No, its just not that hard. I hardly ever lost to anything D=
=/ Not that hard? I thought Pokemon games were supposed to be challenging.
Really? They have never been hard for me, unless you count catching everything. THATS hard. But getting to the 1337 4, not that hard.
UltraByte said:
UltraByte said:
I think that some people play this game TOO much.
No, its just not that hard. I hardly ever lost to anything D=
=/ Not that hard? I thought Pokemon games were supposed to be challenging.
Really? They have never been hard for me, unless you count catching everything. THATS hard. But getting to the 1337 4, not that hard.
Well... Meh. I can't say anything, I'm getting the game in 20 minutes...
Bulerias said:
UltraByte said:
I think that some people play this game TOO much.
Yeah... I mean, even I do, but I'm surprised that people are getting farther ahead than I am. I already have 20-something hours clocked into it, and people have more? Gah...

And I thought I play too much. D:
yeah, I have like 35. at least 5 hours of that is from leaving my DS on, and another 1 for wifi.
The game is just too easy if you have to battle everything, because when you do you level up faster than every C.P.U.
Bul...I play this game every day, and so far I've packed 40 hours (no lie) into it...

You've got 6 badges?


I've only got 7.

>_< >_< >_<

Yeah, Bul, your moving along pretty quickly if you ask me.

I have 28 hours but I'm stuck at the Elite 4. I beat 3 of the 4 (well 5) Elite 4 people, I just need to train more.
Well, now I'm almost to Palkia and I have 7 badges, so I guess I'M the crazy one.

dragonflamez said:
Bulerias said:
Well, now I'm almost to Palkia and I have 7 badges, so I guess I'M the crazy one.

I have 35 hours and my guys are all 43-48. D:
I'm taking my time. But I'm at the 1337 4.
I have like 25 hours, I think, and I've got a Level 43 Rapidash (who I called Leslie... best nickname ever), a Empoleon that's at Level 42, a Torterra that's Level 33 or so, a Machoke that's Level 35, and some more Pokemon I forgot about. These four are basically my main, though... at least for now.
Infernape 54, Uxie 50, Dialga 49, Staraptor 47, Empoleon 44, Luxray 41. I'm at the Elite 4 and I have exactly 29:00 play time.
I really wish I had an Alakazam :(. Yeah, if you're at the Elite 4 you really have to train. All your pokemon have to be in the 50s pretty much. Well, at least a Water Pokemon, Flying, and some other ones. I haven't seen one so I can't ask for it on the GTS. I guess I'll try for a Kadabra.
Super_Naruto said:
I really wish I had an Alakazam :(. Yeah, if you're at the Elite 4 you really have to train. All your pokemon have to be in the 50s pretty much. Well, at least a Water Pokemon, Flying, and some other ones. I haven't seen one so I can't ask for it on the GTS. I guess I'll try for a Kadabra.
In-game to can trade a Machop for an Abra. That's what I did: the EXP boost really helps.
dragonflamez said:
Super_Naruto said:
I really wish I had an Alakazam :(. Yeah, if you're at the Elite 4 you really have to train. All your pokemon have to be in the 50s pretty much. Well, at least a Water Pokemon, Flying, and some other ones. I haven't seen one so I can't ask for it on the GTS. I guess I'll try for a Kadabra.
In-game to can trade a Machop for an Abra. That's what I did: the EXP boost really helps.
Do you know what city?