You guys are nuts.

You guys are gonna go blind.
My stores are stupid, thinking they "Have enough", and they run out. I'm litterally the last person who will actually get the game here!
Slow down so I can catch up to you (JK). I have even bought San Andreas on Wednesday to keep me from going mad of boredom to play it.
Super_Naruto said:
dragonflamez said:
Super_Naruto said:
I really wish I had an Alakazam :(. Yeah, if you're at the Elite 4 you really have to train. All your pokemon have to be in the 50s pretty much. Well, at least a Water Pokemon, Flying, and some other ones. I haven't seen one so I can't ask for it on the GTS. I guess I'll try for a Kadabra.
In-game to can trade a Machop for an Abra. That's what I did: the EXP boost really helps.
Do you know what city?
It's early. I think maybe Oreburg.
I got it the 24th also, and I'm still in the fifth gym.

I always rip through Fantina's Drifblim, but she sends her Mismagius out next and that always gets me. Does anybody here think my Pokemon being around level 34/35 is good enough? My Luxio almost got Mismagius at 29, so maybe...

I've played more than all of you, (other than PICHUBRO, I think), and I'm still only in Mt. Coronet...

I play almost constantly! What the heck does it take to catch up to you guys?!


My team: Abomasnow (43), Chatot (43), Torterra (40), Staraptor (41), Drifblim (41), and Gastrodon (41)
At 37 hours, I has:
Rapidash 47
Torterra 47
Alakazam 47
Palkia 47
Luxray 48
Chatot 48

I'm planning on getting everyone to 55 before I go to the Elite 4. I'll probably get own anyway.
dragonflamez said:
At 37 hours, I has:
Rapidash 47
Torterra 47
Alakazam 47
Palkia 47
Luxray 48
Chatot 48

I'm planning on getting everyone to 55 before I go to the Elite 4. I'll probably get own anyway.
From what I hear, the Elite Four have pokemon in the mid/high 60's...
Gengar said:
dragonflamez said:
At 37 hours, I has:
Rapidash 47
Torterra 47
Alakazam 47
Palkia 47
Luxray 48
Chatot 48

I'm planning on getting everyone to 55 before I go to the Elite 4. I'll probably get own anyway.
From what I hear, the Elite Four have pokemon in the mid/high 60's...
Yeah. D:

This game doesnt do a great job of preparing you for them.
Gengar said:
I've played more than all of you, (other than PICHUBRO, I think), and I'm still only in Mt. Coronet...

I play almost constantly! What the heck does it take to catch up to you guys?!


My team: Abomasnow (43), Chatot (43), Torterra (40), Staraptor (41), Drifblim (41), and Gastrodon (41)
What part of Mt. Coronet? Because you go throught it a lot. There's the first time when you first meet Cyrus, there's the time you go in to get Dialga/Palkia, and about 10 times in between.

My Team:
Monferno (Starter) 35
Luxray 35
Kadabra 32
Prinplup 32
Grotle 33
Staravia 29
(All males)

I traded with my sister who has Pearl for Piplup and Turtwig. She won't help me evolve my Kadabra until she evolves her Abra. She copying my team!

Her team:
(F) Pip the Piplup (Starter) 14
(M) Tee the Turtwig 12
(M) Char the Chimchar 12
(F) Sparx the Shinx 13
(not sure) Abra 11

She's still in Oreburgh 'cause she never plays.

And does anybody know any good Pokemon for fighting Fantina? My Luxray and Grotle both know Bite (Dark), and Luxray's Thunder/Shockwave is good against Brifblim, but still...

dragonflamez said:
Gengar said:
dragonflamez said:
At 37 hours, I has:
Rapidash 47
Torterra 47
Alakazam 47
Palkia 47
Luxray 48
Chatot 48

I'm planning on getting everyone to 55 before I go to the Elite 4. I'll probably get own anyway.
From what I hear, the Elite Four have pokemon in the mid/high 60's...
Yeah. D:

This game doesnt do a great job of preparing you for them.
It's kinda been doing a good job for me...

I haven't caught a single legendary, but I'm at the part where Cyrus called Dialga, and now I'm double-battling Mars and Jupiter, and all my pokemon are in the 40's.

Once I beat this, and other trainers, and the 8th Gym, and more trainers, I think I'll be set to go for the Elite.

If anybodt wants a home-made Pichu with the potential of having Thunder and Protect, my Pikachu's have an egg every five minutes. :wacko:

Gengar said:
dragonflamez said:
Gengar said:
dragonflamez said:
At 37 hours, I has:
Rapidash 47
Torterra 47
Alakazam 47
Palkia 47
Luxray 48
Chatot 48

I'm planning on getting everyone to 55 before I go to the Elite 4. I'll probably get own anyway.
From what I hear, the Elite Four have pokemon in the mid/high 60's...
Yeah. D:

This game doesnt do a great job of preparing you for them.
It's kinda been doing a good job for me...

I haven't caught a single legendary, but I'm at the part where Cyrus called Dialga, and now I'm double-battling Mars and Jupiter, and all my pokemon are in the 40's.

Once I beat this, and other trainers, and the 8th Gym, and more trainers, I think I'll be set to go for the Elite.

Meh, I think I'm just gonna blast up my traded Prinplup for the Elite 4, instead of Palkia. I'd rather not use Legendaries.
dragonflamez said:
Gengar said:
dragonflamez said:
Gengar said:
dragonflamez said:
At 37 hours, I has:
Rapidash 47
Torterra 47
Alakazam 47
Palkia 47
Luxray 48
Chatot 48

I'm planning on getting everyone to 55 before I go to the Elite 4. I'll probably get own anyway.
From what I hear, the Elite Four have pokemon in the mid/high 60's...
Yeah. D:

This game doesnt do a great job of preparing you for them.
It's kinda been doing a good job for me...

I haven't caught a single legendary, but I'm at the part where Cyrus called Dialga, and now I'm double-battling Mars and Jupiter, and all my pokemon are in the 40's.

Once I beat this, and other trainers, and the 8th Gym, and more trainers, I think I'll be set to go for the Elite.

Meh, I think I'm just gonna blast up my traded Prinplup for the Elite 4, instead of Palkia. I'd rather not use Legendaries.
*high fives*

I seriously don't want to have to use Dialga once I catch him... I hear you catch him at level 48 or something, that would make him my highest...

I'll just trade him off for something.


On a side note: THE TEAM GALACTIC BOSS IS INSANELY TOUGH!!! I can't beat him... >_<
Uhg... I phailed at 1337 four. I tried it without using items, but only got though the first person XD
Yeah, I can only get through the 1st 2 very easily then I always get through the 3rd but then I hav eno chance against the 4th. Well, I did figure out that you only lose 6840 dollars when you black out and you get that much from beating the first guy. So all I have been doing is training my pokemon by battling the elite 4 a bunch of times and losing at the 4th person.
I hear that. I lost to him the first time because I brought my HM Tank instead of Luxray....he's fiendishly hard without an Electric type.
OH,and I still don't have the Exp. Share. Should I have gotten it already? Dawn gave me the Vs. Seeker, and her father gave me the Itemfinder.