Your Childhood Best Friend?

goldie! she was my absolute best friend. i sent her letters all the time and talked to her almost every day. i never connected to a video game NPC like that before. the big script of older games had such a personal and silly feel to them. i'll always love goldie!
Olivia! I had her in my first City Folk town. I thought she was adorable TvT I have her in my New Leaf town, too. She's still one of my favourite villagers.
Elmer for sure, as I can't consider Wolfgang or Roscoe as bestfriends because they are a little bit rude with you haha. Elmer was cute and so kind! I miss him sometimes...
Mine was Puck from the original Animal Crossing. He was such a chill dude and I remember spending a lot of time with him and just hanging out. :)
Billy the goat was my bff in my gamecube town. I was excited to see them add him back in the welcome amiibo update.
mine was biskit! i had him in my wild world town for the longest time and would always send him letters! he's still in my top 10 villagers to this day ^^;
Bones in Wild World, the first villager photo I ever got. He lived quite nearby to me and I always used to send him letters and chat. Unfortunately he left my town as I was still actively playing, but I cherish the memories
My first Animal Crossing game was New Leaf, but I got it when I was 13 so definitely still a child. I remember my absolute favorite for a long time was Julian. He moved in randomly and I was so delighted to have a unicorn in my town. He's been my buddy in every AC game since. I've given him a bunch of clothes fit for royalty so I can watch him strut around my island in them haha.
My childhood friend from Animal Crossing was definitely Chevre. Bea was also one of my good friends.
mine was tangy in wild world, i talked to her every day i could! when i was little i would have "sleepovers" with my villagers where i would go in their houses and get on their bed before closing my ds and going to bed myself. then when i woke up the next morning and opened my ds i would still be there, like a sleepover! tangy isn't my #1 anymore but i still love her a lot. shout out to tangy...
Jay and Biskit. Jay, for some reason, really stuck with me when I first met him in my Wild World game, I think he as a starter, though I think I reset my town a lot so he's probably long gone. And Biskit because he was one of my starter villagers in my second New Leaf town and he's just always been my favorite and still lives in it.
I have them both on my NH island, now and they're awesome.
Eunice until New Horizons. She's just so bland in new horizons.
In my first AC game (NL), Croque was my best friend. I don't know what it is, but his design was so cool to me, I liked his bad attitude, and his house was very pretty to me too. He was in my NH island for quite a bit but he kept BEGGING to leave, so I let him go around January and now Poppy took his place.
This is him for those who don't know what he looks like:
I was really attached to Pompom in Wild World for some reason. I haven’t had her since and I don’t particularly like her design anymore.
Stitches and Cyrano were my two best friends in Wild World. Plus I remember loving Baabara in either WW or City Folk.
Mine is Leonardo. I never liked tigers in the game, but he just got into my heart, I don't know how 😂
I really liked Harry when my young self played NL for the first time. I have a very soft spot for cranky villagers in general, but I remember really liking Harry and getting really upset when he kept asking to leave.