Selling 💁 ☆ Your Concierge ☆ 💁

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Ahhh yes that sounds fabulous! If it's not all too much to ask! :) Thank you so so much!

And yes to the sparkler! I think it is also called the Roman Candle? They're from the countdown and the fireworks show I think

Um? What we get on Fireworks and on count down are different items, I think, not sure though.
However, I don't have the one from fireworks show. And everything else is ready to go! Will you add FC1 please?
I'm going out very soon. So if you're busy rn I'l deliver later when I'm back. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh she's fine. Only thing hurting is her pride I think. Nothing a good pizza in half an hour can't fix :p

That was good (...? xD )
Um? What we get on Fireworks and on count down are different items, I think, not sure though.
However, I don't have the one from fireworks show. And everything else is ready to go! Will you add FC1 please?
I'm going out very soon. So if you're busy rn I'l deliver later when I'm back. c:

Oh, moridb just says you can get the roman candle in countdown as well so that's why I thought Idk moridb is weird

And I'm ready now! I'll and open my gates :)
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Oh, moridb just says you can get the roman candle in countdown as well so that's why I thought Idk moridb is weird

And I'm ready now! I'll and open my gates :)

Oh, I see! It's the sparkling thing during fireworks! I don't have them on hand atm, but I've been TTing for villagers. So I can get some if you're okay with waiting for a few days.
Also omw!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I don't see your gates. Will you try reopen?
That sounds great!! Just vm or pm me and I'll gladly buy one!
Let me make sure your FC added correctly and reopen my gates :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Okay, I've reopened :) hopefully you see them
Its perfectly fine! Everybody gets busy. But May I visit Holdens Rv along with buying at least 5 more Ivy partions for igb , please?
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i'm sorry for ordering again, but this time may i request a natural-low table, two wooden stools, and a basket chair for maybe 6 TBT (or more if you want higher)? ;v;
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Hello :) Sorry for the delay! Unfortunately I'm not available right now, be back in a few hours today.

10 saplings would be nice :)
Okay. Let me know when you're free.

Its perfectly fine! Everybody gets busy. But May I visit Holdens Rv along with buying at least 5 more Ivy partions for igb , please?
Thanks for understanding.<3 Ivy partitions are ready.

i'm sorry for ordering again, but this time may i request a natural-low table, two wooden stools, and a basket chair for maybe 6 TBT (or more if you want higher)? ;v;

Hi, actually you can just have low table and basket chair for free if you still need them, as they've been just lying around with no use. Someone asked me to order it and didn't get back after all.
Hi, actually you can just have low table and basket chair for free if you still need them, as they've been just lying around with no use. Someone asked me to order it and didn't get back after all.

oh? okay! that's fortunate, then ^^ i'll give you 3 TBT including the wooden stools then and take the others for free if that's okay?
Yay! I'm ready whenever you are. And how many igb would you like for all ivy partitions?

I usually sell them for 50K a piece if igb. But right now I'm doing free ordering service about 3 items from the same 1 van. So, 100K for 2 ivy partitions + 3 of them for free. Sounds good?

I transferred your items to the town where Holden is parking. Let me know when you're back. c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh? okay! that's fortunate, then ^^ i'll give you 3 TBT including the wooden stools then and take the others for free if that's okay?
Sure! I wouldn't deny your kind tip. :p Thank you.
hi! am i able to buy 18 cedar saplings? i can buy them in two different orders if you’d prefer! :)

how much tbt/IGB would you like?

I was wondering if you would be so kind as to have: #26 - Sandy - ラン RV's ready for me to visit?
I see that it says 50K - would it be correct in assuming that means IGB?^^a

I was wondering if you would be so kind as to have: #26 - Sandy - ラン RV's ready for me to visit?
I see that it says 50K - would it be correct in assuming that means IGB?^^a
Hi :) Yep it means IGB, but not the fee to visit the van. It's the price when you want to have me order items from van on behalf. Visiting is all free.
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