Your favourite from each animal!

Alligator: None, but if I had to choose it would be Del because his colors are pretty cool.
Anteater: Cyrano because I remember him from my City Folk town.
Bear: Ursala because she was pretty rad in my old town, and moved into the perfect spot with no problems :)
Bird: Anchovy. He's stuck with me since the beginning.
Bull: Rodeo- I didn't like him at ALL at first, but I warmed up to him in City Folk ;w;
Cat: Monique. I remember her screaming at me in the GC version of Animal Crossing but I still loved her regardless because she was cute. She also has a beauty mark around her mouth and I have the same (although it's barely noticeable.)
Chicken: Ken. His whole aesthetic reminds me of Samurai Jack which takes me back.
Cow: Tipper because she’s cute!
Cub: June or Pekoe. Pekoe is a complete sweetheart and I wouldn't trade her for the world, but June is sweet as well and has the cuter design in my opinion.
Deer: Erik. Even though I've never had him, he's a really cute villager! ( I definitely want him in my town for New Horizons though. )
Dog: Walker. His house is really pretty too.
Duck: Deena because the name is cute and fun to just say over and over again lol.
Eagle: Apollo because he's one of my OGs from the Gamecube version. I remember always talking to him because he just seemed so cool.
Elephant: Chai~ Her design is so pretty!
Frog: Frobert! His design is so cute, and it actually reminds me of a frog.
Goat: Pashmina <3 she’s adorable
Gorilla: Louie because he reminded me of Donkey Kong when I first saw him jbsrbrkbv
Hamster: Apple!! She’s such a happy pill~
Hippo: Rocco. He’s one of the OGs :)
Horse: Winnie, ;w; her design is really cute!
Kangaroo: Walt. I didn’t even know he existed until I saw him on Happy Home Designer. He seems pretty cool.
Koala: Yuka >w< she was the sun herself in my old town. I loved her dearly~
Lion: Probably one of the lion brothers, Lionel, Mott- there’s so many. But they all seem to fit the aesthetic of royalty which I like.
Monkey: Flip ;m; he is literally the cutest thing. I saw him in my campsite one day and I was so upset I had already had ten villagers. Plus I had never seen him until that day about 2 months ago, which is pretty weird. I didn't even know the poor baby existed.
Mouse: Greta. She’s so sweet and she matches my towns Zen theme. Plus all the clothes she gets from other villagers look good on her.
Octopus: Marina because she's a complete sweetheart~ It would've been Zucker but he moved into a bad spot and refused to move smh.
Ostrich: Blanche, she has a basic simple design but the colors match her perfectly (Plus her name is Blanche lol) and she’s a sweetheart. I had her in my town once and she gave me a cute nickname that began to spread around the town like a wildfire.
Penguin: Tex, he’s so cute ;w;
Pig: Pancetti because we love a queen who has cute makeup.
Rabbit: Francine, Genji or Snake. I honestly can't choose because I've loved Francine ever since I found about her in Animal Crossing. I really love her design and the spots and I had even made a shirt to match her lmao. I put Genji because he's too adorable and he has really come through when it comes to PWPs. I put Snake because we share a birthday asdfghjkl.
Rhino: Rhonda. I had to get her out of my town though because she was in a bad spot sksksk
Sheep: Willow~ She's such a pure bean, and her design is so adorable!
Squirrel: Pecan. She's just such a pretty squirrel.
Tiger: Rolf. I decorated his house in HHD and it looked pretty good if i do say so myself asdfghjkl
Wolf: Wolfgang. He sent me the cutest letter telling me to smile, or something along those lines. It was really sweet and even though he's not in my town, I'll always remember that letter. Plus he was an original favorite of mine in the Gamecube version.