So Who was it and how did it Happen?Why did it happen? And how did it change you as a person?
Ill share my story soon but was just wondering other peoples story also.
My ex-boyfriend was my first love. I had two relationships before I met him.
When I was with him I realized that my last two boyfriends... I was not in love with them at all. Just young infatuation and such (first relationship was 13 y/o to 18 y/o). He came to Canada from Korea to study English... we met and we dated from June 28 2014 and broke up a year and a half after.
He went back to Korea but it wasn't the distance that broke us. We both were okay (hard at first though). But his priorities were horrible and he would ditch me or break his promise to FaceTime with me (important since we were in a LDR)... I told him about it, he freaked out and left me.
Time goes by and I met my current boyfriend who I came to love. I moved on from my ex but when he found out I entered a new relationship... he was begging for me back and calling me constantly. My boyfriend had to confront my ex and they were going at it with each other in Korean lol.
What did I learn or what did my relationship do to change me? Not much. I'm still the irrational, and sensitive woman I was before I met him. I did learn a few things from him that are etched in my mind.
For example, he was very lighthearted, didn't take things too seriously, knew when to let go of issues or situations when he is stressed etc. He was trusting, secure, and really positive. He set a great example for me to let go of things I cannot control, to not be so hard on myself, etc. Insecurities and trust are things I still struggle with, along with controlling my emotions. But I am taking it one step at a time. ^^
Now I know you didn't ask about my current boyfriend but I just want to mention he's really different from my ex. My boyfriend is very logical, practical, and realistic. I am a bit of a dreamer and act on my emotions. We argue a lot due to those differences but I am hoping to learn from my boyfriend to control my emotions, think more rationally, and be more realistic. My boyfriend has a lot to teach me and I have a lot to teach him too... that's one reason why I love relationships, you can learn from one another. ^^