✿ Your oldest villager~? ✿


Jan 17, 2015
Red Lily
White Violet
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
White Tulip
Yellow Tulip
Red Tulip
White Pansy
Cherry (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
My oldest villager is Bruce, he's been with me since 2013! It's so weird to think about how he's been there for 3 years y'know? I love him though! He always visits my house and gives me fruits and such.
Pierce is my last starter to stay in my town. And he always will be, because I refuse to let him leave. The first one to actually move into my town was Curlos! He's staying also.
Baabara (sp?) I've had her for a over a year I wish she'd leave already because her house is blocking where I want to build a bridge.
i dont have any of my starter villagers, but beau is the oldest in my town. i think he was one of the first 9 that moved in
In one of my towns I have most of the starters...and we've had great memories it's time to move on.

Kind of excited. Kind of bittersweet.
Most of my gc villagers have been there since 2011 because I restarted.
I recently started (Aug 24) so I don't have an oldest in ACNL. But in all AC games it is Mitzi from AC... had her since I was 7-8?? I forgot haha...
Bob and Felicity are still in my town and they are my original starter villagers.
I still have all five of my original villagers. They've been with me since November 1st, 2013.
My oldest (and my most favorite) villager I still have currently would have to be Fang. I recently got access to an old photobucket account and found a picture of us together in city folk. c: He was one of my originals so I've had him since 2009. I played AC:GC as well but my town was reset so I believe Fang is still the oldest.

Since I don't have access to my GC game, my oldest villager in my NL town is Lolly. I moved her into my new town, not really new anymore, 2 days after it was created. She was my first move in, but unfortunately due to missing some play time a while back, I lost all of my starter villagers over time. I could always get them back now, but it bugs me when I see the move in date on my town tree. I like it when you can't see it...
Grizzly, Peck, Merry and Aurora were my starting villagers. I bought New Leaf when it was first released and I still have them. Rodeo was also a starter, but he moved out because I didn't know how the villager move outs worked.
Marshal. I couldn't actually remember so I had to take a look at the town tree, apparently it's marshal them fauna and then fang.
I had all three of them pretty close together, that was only about 7 months ago though so I haven't had them as long as some people have had their villagers for. But im pretty sure they're all going to be very permanent villagers