I liked it. Then again, I never heard the original songMetallica's version of 'Whiskey in the Jar' is bad.
I liked it. Then again, I never heard the original songMetallica's version of 'Whiskey in the Jar' is bad.
What on earth are you talking about
Like I literally have no idea what you mean by this, how do you make opinions apply to people? What?
I liked it. Then again, I never heard the original song
Because it seems like you think like 'ayy lmao modern music is the best **** u' and if someone dislike it they are the edgy one not looking through enough for good hipster crap or something.
And your earlier post about avatar/signatures etc. Well yeah we all have different likes and dislikes eh? I mean yeah certain k-pop avatars are getting obnoxious since basically most of Brewster/Basement population has it on everywhere but eh I try to not get annoyed I guess.
I think it's best if nobody replies to anyone else IF ITS SOMETHING CONTROVERSIAL and that if u agree w someone like their post or if you don't, then move on so nobody goes crazy. Just post opinions that're on your mind or something
Disturbed is a bad band. So is their godawful cover of Sounds of Silence urgh
what i generally meant was that you seemed to be more pet peeved by random things rather than opinions and turning them into some basic general opinion people should have. like we can't dislike things or?
i believe there are 4 genders. Male, female, intersex, and nonbinary. These "tumblr" genders are gender identification.
Why intersex and nonbinary? Because they are physical
I was told about my "transphobic" opinions being popular opinions, so I'll post it again. Trans people are trans. That's why they have the label "TRANS" woman/man, they're trans. I don't believe the bullcrap tumblr spews out that "TRANS wo/men are real wo/men uwu no matter what" because wtf?
Also, intersectional feminism is full of bullcrap that I don't even consider it real feminism. Dude, just be egalitarian.
- you can't say you "respect trans people" if you refuse to see them as their gender and not the sex they were assigned at birth, which has again and again been scientifically proven to be two different things (one mental one physical)
- respecting trans people is not a new tumblr thing
Thank you for this. I have a hard time retaining knowledge sometimes. It feels like I never even went to grade school, to be honest.Oh ya and just to be helpful:
- "gender words" are called pronouns
- "a trans" and "transgenders" aren't how to refer to trans people. "trans" and "transgender" are adjectives, not nouns. also even though no one's said it yet, i feel i should mention "transgendered" isn't a word.
- you can't say you "respect trans people" if you refuse to see them as their gender and not the sex they were assigned at birth, which has again and again been scientifically proven to be two different things (one mental one physical)
- respecting trans people is not a new tumblr thing
If you also cannot call someone who is trans what they want to be called, aka man or woman, without saying transwomen and transmen even when they do not want to be called that regularly, you are still being disrepectful just so you guys know. I know the majority of women I know who are trans really do not enjoy being called "a pretty transwoman" over just "a pretty woman".