Your Pets as Animal Crossing Villagers?

I've got a cute little rabbit called Charlie. He would probably be a jock (don't ask me why). He's white with black spots. For some reason I think he would wear something blue. I guess he would look like Rolf, except a bunny version of that ;)
I actually modeled two of my villagers after my cats - here they are in real life (click for a picture). They're twin sisters named Sawyer and Finn. I think if they were actual in-game characters, they'd probably both wear black, since they're black cats. Sawyer would definitely be a prankster and Finn would be very caring and sweet, but also somewhat temperamental. I wish they really were villagers in my town!
I'm really going to die from the cuteness, guys. All of your cats and dogs and bunnies and everything else sound just TOO adorable. Ahhh, I would never have enough room in my town for all of them. I guess that's the only solace I can take in the fact that they'll probably never add "create-a-villager" to the series. It would be impossible to choose at this rate!
I have an incredibly fat Maltese named DJ. I think we can all guess what his personality is.
Max: A fluffy smug cat.
Chester: A light orange skinny cat that's a Jock.
Athena: A peppy
I've got a Yorkie named Opie. Yorkies would be so cute.

I have an incredibly fat Maltese named DJ. I think we can all guess what his personality is.

I would LOVE it if they actually added in animal breeds. I know that's unlikely, as the amount of dog and cat breeds are horrendously extensive, but it's still a nice thought. As it is, it's a little bland that a lot of the villagers pretty much look a lot the same with some recolors and design changes. Not to say they're not unique, but I think it would be cool if they went a step further, you know?

That' just my thoughts, anyway.

Max: A fluffy smug cat.
Chester: A light orange skinny cat that's a Jock.
Athena: A peppy

They all sound adorable! X3
My cat would be a black n brown lazy cat, he's house would be a total mess xD

So, the sloppy furniture set? XD

Lolly looks just like my cat Gizmo. Even though Gizmo is a boy, Lolly is still in my town. :)

Aww cute~! I almost got Whitney in my town just because she looked the most like my male dog. But as it is I feel like having two wolves already is enough. lol Maybe one day!
my dog scout, is a golden retriever, and i think she would be peppy. she thinks she's a human and she's extremely active and happy all the time.

my other dog, raisin, is soooper lazy and she loves to sleep, but she's really happy most of the time, so i'd peg her as a lazy villager.

both of my cats kewe and atticus would be smug villagers, they think they're all that and they just kind of hang out.
My Hamster, Scuttle, would be a lazy brown hamster (obviously) with a white belly. His house would consist of items from the sloppy series and a few other random bits and bobs.
My Cat, Merlin, would be a lazy orange cat. His house would also probably consist of the sloppy series (hey, what can I say, my pets are lazy (o3o) )
I'm really going to die from the cuteness of everyone's villager-pets. (Also, feel more than free to post pictures of them too, if you want!)

And it seems like the sloppy series, as far as furniture sets go, are extremely popular for people's villager-pets. I guess a lot of people have sloppy/lazy animals. XD Not that it's much of a surprise. On the contrary, though, my dog is actually pretty neat and tidy, and extremely well-behaved.
Ahhh, Skittles is such a cute name! Would she wear the rainbow tee? XD Hahaha. Really, though, sounds adorable!

Aww, the lovely set does seem like a nice fit! The only other thing I could really think of for pink would be a princess set recolor or a gorgeous series recolor to pink.

The Princess Series would be fantastically fit for her, she is after all; our princess xD
My dog Happy would be a cranky :p He'd come with some sort of mustache, since he's a terrier x shihtzu, and angry eyebrows since he glares all the time. Not so happy, tbh, but definitely cranky.
I have a Calico kitty named Baby, I have a feeling she'd be a Snooty :)

Cuuuuute! I love calicos. I'd definitely have one of my own if I wasn't allergic to cats.

My dog Happy would be a cranky :p He'd come with some sort of mustache, since he's a terrier x shihtzu, and angry eyebrows since he glares all the time. Not so happy, tbh, but definitely cranky.

I really have to wonder why he was named Happy if he's not a very happy dog. Hahaha. That could be pretty ironic for a name for a Cranky villager.
Cuuuuute! I love calicos. I'd definitely have one of my own if I wasn't allergic to cats.

She's adorable! Now that I think of it more, they'd have to make a new personality for her... She's a very very grouchy kitty even though she's as pretty as she is! And I'm sorry to hear that you're allergic to cats! :(