Hi tj.Is pickup okay. i can be avilibale in a few mins if that works for you.
Alright, gimme a min, I'll recalculate after the trade. c:Ok! I liked it!
No rush. My gates are open.Give me 5 mins!
It'll take more than a few days for me either way, to get your stuff all ordered, so just plant bunch of perfect oranges, Maria!Umm, Yuki, i dont have too many orange trees... Can it be a lot of baskets of 2 oranges each? I requested lots of RV items, and 2 of my perfect trees spoiled...
- - - Post Merge - - -
I have 4 baskets and an amethyst... I'll collect more fruit.
Okay, so you need 30 x baskets to trade for all those RV items + 2 x azalea stools.Yes! I'll like! I transformed the 2 orange baskets into 9 oranges basket and... 2 full baskets...
- - - Post Merge - - -
Ok, i planted perfect trees
Oh hi! I can open gates now if you're available?Heya Yuki! I have been getting off TBT around 8pm EST, so if it is after and you see me on the friends list, and I see you, can you open your gates? When I see you on, your gates aren't open
Anyways, hope you are well!
Sorry for the delay. My gates are open!Yas please! Thank you!!!
Hi again tjSorry to bother you, but I would like to order these items:
Cornstalks x2
Counter Table x2
Digbys Pic
Fall Leaf Shirt
Cash Register
Okay, so you need 30 x baskets to trade for all those RV items + 2 x azalea stools.
And, 80 tbt for all flowers except for pink ones. ( below )
Excluding pink ones from the trade because they cost 2 tbt each in my shop and there are sellers who can sell them for 1 tbt each.
Flowers I can trade for 1 tbt each are :
purple rose x 20
purple tulip x 20
purple pansy x 20
blue rose x 20
Hellooo Finally got some time to consistently sit down, so here's an update! if anyone is available by any chance.
■perfectpeach■ FC1 : delivery
(23 tbt)
fruit basket
firefly lamp
jellyfish lamp
hibiscus hairpin
sweets lamp
cacao tree
bunk bed
pickle jar
pop up book
soda fountain
■SublimeDonut■ FC6 : delivery
payment received
antique shelf
bath set
beautiful statue (real or fake)
black phone
casablanca lillies
decorative plate
fairy bottle x2
greenhouse box
ikebana display
ivy partition x2
museum clock
quilted tapestry
towel baskets
trelis x2
whirlpool bath
+ bubble wand
■animeshadowpanda■ FC5 : pickup - done ty!
payment received
compact car
10 orderalbe items
bunny balloon of all colors (8 items)
indigo balloon
cyan balloon
■mvskelley■ FC1 : delivery
exotic screen
flat screen tv
green wardrobe
paper lantern
ranch table
regal bed
rubber tree
weeping fig
■Autumn_Leaves■ FC6 : delivery
payment received
Garbage bin
Futon mattress
Kaiseki meal
Jewlery case
Fish and chips
Hanger rack
Hanging chair
Hearty breakfast
Light breakfast
Lunch box
Lunch pack
Lucky doll
Hamster Cage
Music stand
Boxing barricade
Flower table
Flower chair
Medicine chest
Owl clock
■Sylvia■ FC5 : pickup
(45 tbt)
golden roses x 20
golden watering can
■Lavamaize■ delivery or pickup? - done ty!
(38 tbt)
autumn floor
autumn fall
arched brick floor
bamboo fence x 2
bread basket
bread-making set
coconut juice
counter table x 2
cutting-board set
drink machine
fruit drink
hanging chair
ikebana display
menu chalkboard
metal-and-wood chair x 4
snack machine
spooky wall lamp
■MelloDimensions■ FC5 : delivery or pickup? - done ty!
(5 tbt)
kitchen stove x 2
kitchen dishwasher
■Bizhiins■ FC1 : delivery - done ty!
(62 tbt)
For Odanah
book stands
chain divider
creepy skelton
creepy statue
creepy stone
pirate's armor
general's fan
vintage telephone
For Gamer House
cool globe
cucco ornament
desk mirror
elegant chair
elegant bench
fairy bottle
fancy display case
glass teapot
heart container
lunar horizen
lunar lander
lunar rover
lunar surface
mammoth model
plesio model
ptera model
sabertooth model
space shuttle
styraco model
tricera model
world map
- pending -
■Maria of Moonlake■ delivery or pickup?
(270-280 tbt)
pink bunny balloon x 15
pink heart balloons x 15
pink rose x 20
pink lily x 20
pink tulip x 20
pink carnation x 20
purple rose x 20
purple tulip x 20
purple pansy x 20
blue rose x 20
Azalea stool x 2
24-Hours Shop Basket
24-Hours Shop Clock
Kiki and Lala Bed
Kiki and Lala dress
Kiki and Lala Hairpin
Kiki and Lala shoes
Kiki and Lala socks
Wooden Counter (White Custom)
Modern Cash Register
Casablanca Lilies
Nabiru Ornament
Shopping Cart
Store shelf (pink custom) x 15
Witch hat
Maid Dress
Tiara Wig
Slushie Machine x 2
@Maria of Moonlake
Yoo MariaI was wondering if you're doing fine! Glad to hear from you again. ^^
So. Unfortunately I no longer have the 2017 cake or shaved ice lamp. And for the rest (down below) will cost you like 270+ tbt. Would that be okay with you?
pink bunny balloon x 15
pink heart balloons x 15
pink rose x 20
pink lily x 20
pink tulip x 20
pink carnation x 20
purple rose x 20
purple tulip x 20
purple pansy x 20
blue rose x 20
Azalea stool x 2
24-Hours Shop Basket
24-Hours Shop Clock
Kiki and Lala Bed
Kiki and Lala dress
Kiki and Lala Hairpin
Kiki and Lala shoes
Kiki and Lala socks
Wooden Counter (White Custom)
Modern Cash Register
Casablanca Lilies
Nabiru Ornament
Shopping Cart
Store shelf (pink custom) x 15
Witch hat
Maid Dress
Tiara Wig
Slushie Machine x 2
Okay so, 20 tbt total for :Sorry, but could I add another counter table to the order as well as 4 more meatal and wood chairs? Thanks!
But I only sell the set for tbt. Would that be alright with you?Okay. So i'd like to buy the 7-11 set too, please?
I will be online just for 5 min more! It's 23:49 here...