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  • I didn't want to bother you since I know you don't really wanna talk but I just wanted to tell you I went to your new island and I really like it, I've never seen someone decorate a new island so fast and I noticed you put paths where you seem to be planning on putting things and I love how everything is very thought out and planned, I don't get lost either and I don't like getting lost on pretty islands. I really love your house interior and I love your kitchen, it's super comfy.
    Jeez this dumb 720 character limit...
    I wanted to tell you one of the first things I did when I got Nintendo Switch Online was use dream addresses and yours was the first I ever visited(Destiny). Before I joined the forums I saw you were working on your island(s) and I was so excited to see them because you put a lot of passion into them because you've been playing for two years and even after restarting all the time you still keep playing.
    Well I'm glad you enjoyed your time and yeah one of the reasons I design it like that is because I don't like cluttered areas. Some of the islands I went to always had areas that are cluttered and I got lost. Which is one of the reasons why I want my island to be more open and easy to navigate which is something most people don't think about. Also don't worry about it I barely get any comments on my profile so you're alright. The home still needs work but I'm glad you liked it.
    Some people would ask me "Why don't you participate in events?" I have my reasons but of them being that I am an introvert meaning I don't like being in groups of people who would talk to me and it makes it difficult for me to interact and leaves me feeling stressed. Another thing I am not so interested in being in friendship groups. I've been broken too many times by friends in the past that I am not going to waste my time doing it. No offense to anyone, but I am not just not going to go through that pain again. I prefer to be by myself because it makes me feel comfortable.
    I am trying my best to tell myself that there are good people in the world, but its the fact that I grow up in a toxic environment with bad people so its one of the reasons why I have a spoiled mindset. Its taking a long time to recover, but I am slowly getting there.
    Its never a good idea to "fake" positivity because when that happens you're emotions get bottled up and your mental health suffers. Its always a good thing to express how you really feel and not let the "real" you get bottled up inside. I've learned that the hard way.
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    Congrats, seem you finally realized what I tried to tell you with my comments some time ago. Just keep getting more authentic and let yourself shine the way you are. ☆
    Sharing opinions on this site has become so much harder these days. I don't know how much longer I can stay on this site.
    I'm sorry you haven't been treated the way you'd like, I want the best for your well being so it's good to do what you need to, I'll still miss you.
    Feel like everytime I go in the Brewster's Café section there is always some political talking going on and then when the thread gets pretty heated it has be closed. They really need to change the rules on politics because this is getting ridiculous.
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    Don't know why those exist if everyone is gonna have strong opinions on those things and then someone is bound to walk away with hurt feelings which isn't healthy for a community, plus it seems to be more work for the mods having to close those threads all the time. :rolleyes:
    Since I changed my username 4 months ago barely anyone remembers who I was before, so now I'm ghost/shadow to everyone on this site.
    If there is anything I learned about this site is that the moment you say something "unpopular" or something sensitive about a topic it can go wrong really fast when someone makes an assumption just to make you look like the bad guy. Thats the reason why the "The Unpopular Opinions thread" was locked in the first place.
    That Unpopular Opinion's Thread in the Brewster Café is pretty messed up and I can see why it was closed yet again. Too much drama between members got out of hand. Its one of the reasons I refuse to talk anything "Controversial" in that thread because the moment that happens it sets so many people off.
    Just made a lot of progress on the new island called "Daybreak" so here's the DA-6090-5506-6115 this island is just a "basic theme" not much to say.
    I've restarted my 2nd island yet again and here is the DA. Its still a work in process. DA-6090-5506-6115
    Trying so hard to not let the bad stuff bother you is already hard enough and its everywhere that you can't escape it no matter what you do.
    At this point I don't care about New Years. 2021 was a year of manipulation where it plays with your emotions thinking that things were going to get better, but then it seemed to repeat the same events that happened in 2020 but worse. 2022 to me is going to be another year of survival. I don't care what that year throws at me, but I am just going to suck it up and deal with it. Its hard to be positive these days, but that's just how it is these days.
    This year hasn't been the best for me, but what do I even expect anymore. Everything is so bad these days and its hard to even look forward to anything anymore. This is just survival at this point. I don't care if 2022 turns out to be a bad or good year, I am just going in expecting nothing much.
    I highly doubt 2022 would be a better year, but whatever it just seems that everything seems to be going backwards instead of even improving.
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