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Forbidden Fortunes [Closed]

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"The Vast" card in the Tarot embodies boundless potential and limitless opportunities. This card urges you to embrace change and explore new horizons with an open heart and mind. It signifies that the universe is abundant, and the world is filled with untapped possibilities waiting for you to discover. Trust in the path ahead, for it leads to unexplored realms and infinite potential. Stay open to the countless opportunities that lie ahead, and prepare to embrace the vastness of the world and the endless adventures it offers.
When you draw the Haunted Bounty card, it's as if a beam of positivity and delight shines upon you. The card carries a message of joy and abundance. it symbolizes a time of generosity and sharing and encourages you to embrace the spirit of giving. You leave with a heart full of hope and a renewed belief in the goodness of the world.
zerous The Gloom card.png

The Gloom
Drawing the gloom card is a sign of loss of health and vitality. Illness, plague and decay this card heralds. This may be in the form of physical illness or injury, or a destruction of familiar circumstances and support systems. Those who draw it are recommended to guide themselves with cautiousness are bodily support.​


💕 T h e B o n d 💕

"Aha, you’ve drawn the 12th card of the 2nd Arcana, The Bond! The Bond represents the eternal relationship between two souls, whether it be romantic or platonic. It is said once two friends or partners reach the height of their closeness, they take part in the ritual of gift-giving!

Keeha mo-ataa…
Keeeeeha mo-nurataa…

Expect to receive a personal photo from your good friend in the coming days!"


The Soul Belle


Pulling the Soul Belle facedown is regarded as a positive sign, safeguarding the souls of those in her presence. Her cheerful demeanor and loyalty shine, bringing comfort and encouragement to your foreseeable future. This card signifies a deep connection with your inner self and the ability to keep negative influences at bay.

Beware her manipulative charm, as she siphons the souls of the unsuspecting. Upright, this card suggests your spirit is vulnerable to external forces that seek to drain you emotionally/mentally. Exercise caution and self-care to protect yourself from soul-depleting influences.​
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This card represents success and good fortune with the universe. Extremely popular with those who are struggling to make enough bells to pay their raccoon landlord. People want to pull this card in hopes of succeeding in the turnip market. Bells are indeed the key to vitality, happiness, and not being homeless.


Lone Star

This card signifies courage. When this card is pulled upright, it is a reminder that even though you may feel fearful, you are capable of facing hardships alone. If you find yourself constantly searching for approval and strength from others, do not forget that you already hold that strength within yourself. When this card is reversed, it is a warning that you may be losing yourself. Remember your resilient spirit.

(I thought I was being clever by using the uppercase I in Ione's name to look like a lowercase L... Idk lol I think the creative burnout is finally getting to me)
TBT forbidden fortunes.png

The Star tarot card represents benevolent times to manifest in your near future and that is depicted here as a villager wishing on a star during a meteor shower. Just as the villager can expect a reward the next day for their faith, so can you by maintaining an optimistic outlook. Additionally, you will find it more easier to maintain that sense of hope, faith, and optimism upon receiving a The Star card, with the universe conspiring to make your wishes come true!

You are an optimistic and confident person, well liked and admired by many. You have built a high social status and feel like there is nothing stopping you in your path. This feeling of empowerment while good can sometimes blind you and lead you to do certain foolish actions that can bite back at you down the road. Be especially wary of people in your surroundings prone to jealousy. Stay humble and keep doing good deeds. If you do things earnestly, they will see through your sincerity and won't cause you harm.

Mr. Wolf from The Bad Guys

When this card is right side up means a lot of a sweet things will soon happen to you. Maybe you'll get lucky and find or a shiny penny or was able to buy the last piece of cake before it all sold out
When it's reversed be sure to double check the expiration date on everything or you'll be in for a nasty treat.

The Soul Belle


Pulling the Soul Belle facedown is regarded as a positive sign, safeguarding the souls of those in her presence. Her cheerful demeanor and loyalty shine, bringing comfort and encouragement to your foreseeable future. This card signifies a deep connection with your inner self and the ability to keep negative influences at bay.

Beware her manipulative charm, as she siphons the souls of the unsuspecting. Upright, this card suggests your spirit is vulnerable to external forces that seek to drain you emotionally/mentally. Exercise caution and self-care to protect yourself from soul-depleting influences.​
Hi Lancelot, I made a tiny error. I didn't realize until after accepting your entry that it doesn't appear to have your username on it. If you could just add that and update your post, everything will be good. My only excuse is that I was sucked in by The Soul Belle. 😱

The Storm
The rain clouds fill the sky, as the town residents hide in terror as this is no ordinary cloud. Amidst the showers, pitfalls pour down and plant beneath the ground, cunningly hidden. These devious traps await unsuspecting players, causing fatal mishaps when stepped on. Watch your step to avoid an unexpected tumble into a muddy surprise!
Hi Lancelot, I made a tiny error. I didn't realize until after accepting your entry that it doesn't appear to have your username on it. If you could just add that and update your post, everything will be good. My only excuse is that I was sucked in by The Soul Belle. 😱
Oops yes sorry. I’ll do it now. Should be updated next time you check! 👀 she’s a bit alluring
The Bane
The Bane.png

The 22nd Arcana, what lies after The Fool's journey? What happens as they achieve everything in The World? Consumption.
This all-consuming Bane plagues mankind, their unrelenting thirst for knowledge. Curiosity influences pursuit, however, that very same pursuit will end up corrupting the very fabric of the mind until their eventual demise.

This haunting, maddening plague that twists the minds of those who have it all. A force of the mind similar to the might of a dragon, beware not to let your curiosity get the better of you, lest you achieve The World yet still crave ever more.​

The Full of Leif card when pulled upright symbolizes someone who is just a joy to be around, someone who doesn’t take life for granted, but lives life to the fullest. Everything around them seems to grow and prosper as well; all living things seem to get stronger and stronger when they are near. But when it is drawn in reverse it gives the opposite effect, everything gets weaker and weaker until it dissipates, please stay clear of them!​

Lewis (not Jack) means you will be blessed with a surge of popularity (but only for this Halloween season) keep your eyes open for new opportunities and friends and remember you are NOT a jack-o'-lantern, you are so much more for you are you and not what society defines you as.


so, you've pulled the underdog! let me guess... lately you've been feeling a little down, a little underappreciated, like you're trying your best and yet somehow everyone else seems to be getting picked over you and fulfilling their dreams. fear not! the underdog is a sign that you're coming into *your time*. it's time for *you* to succeed. friendships, career, relationships, side hustles... everyone will realise your true potential and everything is going to go right for you.

You've pulled 'The Robbed' card, and it means some misfortune is due to come your way. An unjust ruling or undoing will occur, that may trigger deja vu to an event that has happened previously... and may even occur again. Hopefully someday you'll be able to overcome this roadblock, but not today.

The Familiar, ever obedient, is loyal to the command of its summoner. Although neutrally aligned, The Familiar's presence is similar to that of a dark spirit. Upon summoning, a heavy, ominous and murky feeling fills the air. Many seek to understand the source of the feral creature's power, but The Familiar's magic remains a mystery.
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Lewis (not Jack) means you will be blessed with a surge of popularity (but only for this Halloween season) keep your eyes open for new opportunities and friends and remember you are NOT a jack-o'-lantern, you are so much more for you are you and not what society defines you as.
LEWIS!!!!!!!! this is my favourite thing ever omg
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