Prize Booth

Im sad I couldnt get my tickets in time.... I was so looking forward to a Villager Amiibo but Hey I AM NOT GOING TO COMPLAIN AT ALL. I got a Stationary Mail set!! Im happy but I feel bad for everyone else! I hope next years fair is NOTHING like this ones rewards section cause it was CRAZY. Even worse that 3 celeste chickies got refunded.....
I did it, two fairs in a row!

View attachment 453913

just joking!! congrats!
I kept getting the same error message as few others where I didn't have permission or something.. *feelsbadman*
Im sad I couldnt get my tickets in time.... I was so looking forward to a Villager Amiibo but Hey I AM NOT GOING TO COMPLAIN AT ALL. I got a Stationary Mail set!! Im happy but I feel bad for everyone else! I hope next years fair is NOTHING like this ones rewards section cause it was CRAZY. Even worse that 3 celeste chickies got refunded.....
its still in there, just sayin
Oof, the Celeste rush was exactly as bad as I expected. Like everybody else, I saw the stock go from 6 to 2 to 0 while being told I couldn't access the page at all.

It doesn't feel great, but it's probably just the limitations of the website! I used to work on a forum, and there are all kinds of things that can go wrong that aren't the fault of the staff, and aren't necessarily errors that can be controlled for or tested ahead of time, so I'd caution people against blaming anybody or discouraging the kind individuals who are providing us a free month-long experience.

I was able to successfully purchase a prize pack, so I'm grateful for that. I love receiving letters and I'm grateful for all the hard work that goes into making physical prizes when digital ones are SO much easier to implement.
I feel so bad, I had permission to add Celeste to cart but I didn't have the tickets to actually purchase her 😭 if only I could transfer the permission to someone else that wanted her and afforded her
its still in there, just sayin
STOPPPPP AUGHUDGHOADUDAGADHGAD9GADH (kidding lol I do NOT think they would have given me my tickets soon enough so I HAD TO GO FOR SOMETHINGGGGGGG)

If like we do refunds I would definitely give someone else my prize pack if I could get dat villager amiibo though sooooo if anyone still wants one of those and we can change the address and stuffs gimme villlager tysm ♥ Edit I actually am super excited now soo I will save up my money for a villager amiibo!
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I kept getting the same error message as few others where I didn't have permission or something.. *feelsbadman*
the fact that so many people seem to have gotten that error is absurd. i'd love to know whether it's down to, like, browser, internet provider, country of residence etc. considering previous races for collectibles in the past, i personally would have thought it was a little obvious the server wouldn't have been able to handle it especially since the collectible the plush is based on was so popular but. guess not. hopefully they figure out a better way to distribute physical prizes in the future because this was just a bummer for everyone who got that error through no fault of their own. yeah, maybe i'm a negative nancy, but watching that prize stock drop and being able to do nothing about it really sucked.
Hello everyone, we had an issue with the Celeste Plushes where people bought them before and after the description was being updated. It says 9 were sold, when we had 6 available, so unfortunately we will have to refund the item to the last 3 buyers.

Bummer. I’m one of the 9. Hoping I’m in the first 6, but if not then I understand things happen sometimes.
i need queen laudine to tell me where/how the plushies were made so i can make preparations for when i inevitably lose the raffle. i'll spend real money on this if it means my girlfriend gets a celeste plush of some kind 😠 since i would never use the same design as here without permission.
so i unfortunately didn’t earn enough tickets in time to fight for a celeste plushie, but i managed to snag one of the last 3 mailbox prize packs at least!! 🥳 this’ll be my first time receiving one, so i’m already beyond excited to see what all it’ll contain!! 😄💜

congratulations to everyone who managed to snag the physical prize/s they wanted!! 🎉 i’m definitely gonna be throwing all my leftover tickets towards the plushie raffle at the end, as i need one of those babies in my life.

Hello everyone, we had an issue with the Celeste Plushes where people bought them before and after the description was being updated. It says 9 were sold, when we had 6 available, so unfortunately we will have to refund the item to the last 3 buyers.
~~Update~~ Disregard the above, we'll make it work and see what we can do. There's a chance we may have to give a more generic (not Celeste Chick) Celeste plush to the last 3 buyers, but we'll let you know!
Hello everyone, we had an issue with the Celeste Plushes where people bought them before and after the description was being updated. It says 9 were sold, when we had 6 available, so unfortunately we will have to refund the item to the last 3 buyers.
just to check, will only the ones who get refunds be notified? or will the successful people get reassurance it’s fine

edit nvm beaten to it lmao