Prize Booth

Does the new forum host not allow for the complete opening / closing of the shop? That used to work quite well to stop any glitches like what happened this time.
I knew I'd have no chance at the Celeste plush as I couldn't be online when it was opened for purchase. I was able to snag a Mailbox though so I'm super excited about that! I've never been able to get one of the physical prizes before.

Jeremy & Staff, you are all amazing for figuring out a way to take care of all 9 people who bought a Celeste!
I wonder what number Celeste I got? I'm guessing I was one of the "error 3" because of how badly I fumbled while trying to hit the checkout button 😅

It's so kind that the staff are trying to make something work though 🥺 I really appreciate the generosity!!!

I'm sick today, but somehow managing to snag a plush, no matter what version it ends up being, has really cheered me up ☺️
I knew I'd have no chance at the Celeste plush as I couldn't be online when it was opened for purchase. I was able to snag a Mailbox though so I'm super excited about that! I've never been able to get one of the physical prizes before.

Jeremy & Staff, you are all amazing for figuring out a way to take care of all 9 people who bought a Celeste!

The mailbox prize packs are great. They make for a neat little keepsake. I hope you love it when you get it. :)
The final Celeste Chick Plush update!

Phew... that was a bit chaotic. To start, this ended up being our most popular physical prize, so a lot of people were trying to get it as soon as everything became available. A few people were upset that their event submissions weren't approved in time, but believe me, we already had too many people going for these prizes anyway. We were not expecting all submissions to be approved immediately, which was the purpose for having a set date in the first place. Unfortunately, we only have limited stock of all of our physical/offline prizes. Next time we may price all of them a bit higher to help decrease the Black Friday-esque mad dash!

As some people pointed out, the Shop may have been loading weird because of the constant refreshes. Until it finally let 6... and then another 3 users buy it. This should be expected with these high demand items and eventually some users are the lucky ones.

So why did 9 end up selling instead of the originally announced 6? Essentially, they were all purchased very quickly at the same time that I was trying to remove "available soon" from the description and the item listing got confused. Whoops!

I originally announced that we may have to refund the last three people to purchase one. Then I announced that we would look into it. Fortunately, thanks to @Laudine, we can provide the original Celeste Chick Plush to all 9 buyers! I would also like to make a clarification about this plush because my original description of it was missing an important detail. As I'm sure many of you noticed, it's not just a Celeste Plush, but a Celeste Chick Plush, which Laudine had custom-made based on the collectible she created for the 2020 Fair.


This is an important distinction because, not only is it more special, but if you're sad that you missed out on getting one of these prizes, Laudine will actually be selling them on Etsy in the future! Also, don't forget we're still selling Celeste Chick Plush raffle tickets and we'll give away one more from that.

Hopefully this addresses all of the questions and concerns regarding this prize!
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The final Celeste Chick Plush update!

Phew... that was a bit chaotic. To start, this ended up being our most popular physical prize, so a lot of people were trying to get it as soon as everything became available. A few people were upset that their event submissions weren't approved in time, but believe me, we already had too many people going for these prizes anyway. We were not expecting all submissions to be approved immediately, which was the purpose for having a set date in the first place. Unfortunately, we only have limited stock of all of our physical/offline prizes. Next time we may price all of them a bit higher to help decrease the Black Friday-esque mad dash!

As some people pointed out, the Shop may have been loading weird because of the constant refreshes. Until it finally let 6... and then another 3 users buy it. This should be expected with these high demand items and eventually some users are the lucky ones.

So why did 9 end up selling instead of the originally announced 6? Essentially, they were all purchased very quickly at the same time that I was trying to remove "available soon" from the description and the item listing got confused. Whoops!

I originally announced that we may have to refund the last three people to purchase one. Then I announced that we would look into it. Fortunately, thanks to @Laudine, we can provide the original Celeste Chick Plush to all 9 buyers! I would also like to make a clarification about this plush because my original description of it was missing an important detail. As I'm sure many of you noticed, it's not just a Celeste Plush, but a Celeste Chick Plush, which Laudine had custom-made based on the collectible she created for the 2020 Fair.


This is an important distinction because, not only is it more special, but if you're sad that you missed out on getting one of these prizes, Laudine will actually be selling them on Etsy in the future! Also, don't forget we're still selling Celeste Chick Plush raffle tickets and we'll give one more away from that.

Hopefully this addresses all of the questions and concerns regarding this prize!
Jeremy im not being funny but everything i wanted is still in stock. i have to constantly refresh the shop and my account to see if my tickets have come through yet, can we please have them now at least
The final Celeste Chick Plush update!

Phew... that was a bit chaotic. To start, this ended up being our most popular physical prize, so a lot of people were trying to get it as soon as everything became available. A few people were upset that their event submissions weren't approved in time, but believe me, we already had too many people going for these prizes anyway. We were not expecting all submissions to be approved immediately, which was the purpose for having a set date in the first place. Unfortunately, we only have limited stock of all of our physical/offline prizes. Next time we may price all of them a bit higher to help decrease the Black Friday-esque mad dash!

As some people pointed out, the Shop may have been loading weird because of the constant refreshes. Until it finally let 6... and then another 3 users buy it. This should be expected with these high demand items and eventually some users are the lucky ones.

So why did 9 end up selling instead of the originally announced 6? Essentially, they were all purchased very quickly at the same time that I was trying to remove "available soon" from the description and the item listing got confused. Whoops!

I originally announced that we may have to refund the last three people to purchase one. Then I announced that we would look into it. Fortunately, thanks to @Laudine, we can provide the original Celeste Chick Plush to all 9 buyers! I would also like to make a clarification about this plush because my original description of it was missing an important detail. As I'm sure many of you noticed, it's not just a Celeste Plush, but a Celeste Chick Plush, which Laudine had custom-made based on the collectible she created for the 2020 Fair.


This is an important distinction because, not only is it more special, but if you're sad that you missed out on getting one of these prizes, Laudine will actually be selling them on Etsy in the future! Also, don't forget we're still selling Celeste Chick Plush raffle tickets and we'll give away one more from that.

Hopefully this addresses all of the questions and concerns regarding this prize!
on etsy you say 👀
The final Celeste Chick Plush update!

Phew... that was a bit chaotic. To start, this ended up being our most popular physical prize, so a lot of people were trying to get it as soon as everything became available. A few people were upset that their event submissions weren't approved in time, but believe me, we already had too many people going for these prizes anyway. We were not expecting all submissions to be approved immediately, which was the purpose for having a set date in the first place. Unfortunately, we only have limited stock of all of our physical/offline prizes. Next time we may price all of them a bit higher to help decrease the Black Friday-esque mad dash!

As some people pointed out, the Shop may have been loading weird because of the constant refreshes. Until it finally let 6... and then another 3 users buy it. This should be expected with these high demand items and eventually some users are the lucky ones.

So why did 9 end up selling instead of the originally announced 6? Essentially, they were all purchased very quickly at the same time that I was trying to remove "available soon" from the description and the item listing got confused. Whoops!

I originally announced that we may have to refund the last three people to purchase one. Then I announced that we would look into it. Fortunately, thanks to @Laudine, we can provide the original Celeste Chick Plush to all 9 buyers! I would also like to make a clarification about this plush because my original description of it was missing an important detail. As I'm sure many of you noticed, it's not just a Celeste Plush, but a Celeste Chick Plush, which Laudine had custom-made based on the collectible she created for the 2020 Fair.


This is an important distinction because, not only is it more special, but if you're sad that you missed out on getting one of these prizes, Laudine will actually be selling them on Etsy in the future! Also, don't forget we're still selling Celeste Chick Plush raffle tickets and we'll give away one more from that.

Hopefully this addresses all of the questions and concerns regarding this prize!
omg on Etsy?? please remind us all when laudine lists them! I do want one for sure 👀

This is an important distinction because, not only is it more special, but if you're sad that you missed out on getting one of these prizes, Laudine will actually be selling them on Etsy in the future! Also, don't forget we're still selling

look at them look at them LOOK AT THEM. 🥺💗 i adore my celeste plushie collectible sm and am so grateful for it still (and always will be!), but the thought of having a physical version to display in my room and cuddle with at night has me feeling like


will definitely be throwing all my money at laudine when the time comes. 💗💗
omg ty to the staff for managing the oversell!! and laudine best prepare for an absolute onslaught of orders because i mean… look at them 😍😍 cannot wait to have my very own Celeste plush sat on my bed
i'm still bitter about the glitching, but on the bright side, if the raffle falls through, i've found a cute celeste plush online that comes with your own starsign embroidered on it >: )
Same, its like celeste was taunting me like, dont you want me? 😂😭 and I'd love to know where to get that one with the star sign, if you wouldn't mind DMing it to me!