Welcome to TBT Fair 2022! (Start Here)

I was wondering about the fairy dust as well, I noticed I got some when I posted for the events.
i'm posting more than i have in the past few years to try and see if there's a pattern or to try and make some sense of what posts will give you fairy dust. i haven't made any sense of it yet lol 😂
I got fairy dust for voting on the sticker poll and posting around the site so it seems to be some kind of participation thing.
I honestly have to say, cause I can never stop complimenting TBT staff, but y'all have once again really impressed me with this event. It's absolutely wonderful so far!! I swear, every large event you do gets bigger and better. Loving the prizes this time around, the variety in both them and the contests & events, just everything!

Keep up the good work, and don't overwork yourselves!! :blush:
I am appreciating the mix of difficult and easy challenges offered for this fair. There’s something for everyone, and there’s something for me when I’m feeling focused, have time and looking for a challenge and for me when I just need a quick break From a hectic day. Well done!
It's my first time participating in TBT Fair, even though I'm TBT member for quite some time, and I enjoy it so much! Of course I must do all of the Events in the last day available (thank you procrastination) but still it's so fun and helps me to relax.

I wish I had participated in the previous Fairs but I will enjoy this one as much as I able to 😊
I'm having a lot of fun with the fair so far, though the puzzles are really cramping my brain lol. I know this won't happen but I'd like to request that for future events hand drawing or writing not be mandatory just optional. I for one have extremely bad handwriting and zero drawing skills so doing these events is really hard for me(not hard to try it but hard because I'm embarrassed). I feel like as long as we are being creative the exact way we do it shouldn't matter. I'll give two examples: I almost didn't do the behind the bookcase because of the anxiety it gave me after seeing all the beautiful entries. I feel like as long as I make up the spell or whatever that it shouldn't matter if its handwritten or typed in a pretty font. And I tried more times than I care to admit trying to draw a door and I felt like crap every time. The one I submitted was rejected for apparent lack of effort even though I commented that I did in fact make many attempts. I did it again and it was accepted but I feel like if I found a door in a coloring book or online and colored/decorated it and the area around it it should've been enough. Not to say people can't do handwritten or drawn entries but i think many of us would enjoy these events more if we didnt have to.
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Just wanted to take a moment to say I really appreciate that spectating receives tickets for the gaming portion of the fair.
My other hobbies take up what little free time I've lately, so it doesn't leave much for games unfortunately. So while I'd likely be able to borrow the games for a couple sessions, I wouldn't be fun to play against I imagine haha.
Again, thank you for having options for the non-gamer folks!
I’m really happy I was able to participate in the fair. I’m glad it was brought back. I’ve had this account a long time but this was my first fair. I’m enjoying it.