I'm gonna set up something soon so you can see my works!!! I'm more than happy to show you. do you have a skype or something, btw? it might be easier to send them your way through that. 8)
i'm too scared to dance around others... i'm not very good and i'm pretty shy so yeaaah i'm not sure i'll be doing that any time soon. but dancing is pretty fun! i wish i was super good at it. also, your work IS original. it doesn't matter if it has been done before, no one can replicate your exact style, therefore it's originally yours. feel proud of your work! from what i've seen so far it's amazing and you should keep doing until you're the best of the best. B)
also, why don't you like christmas? it's a hard time for some people so i can understand.

i hope you at least managed to get something nice out of it? mine was pretty cosy but not too exciting this year. i'm satisfied overall though and grateful!