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  • nah it looks super good! I love fang's pose the most. much cool guy :cool: anyway, enjoy your items and thank you!
    Hmm I haven't really decided yet for my new town >.< Maybe Hamlet and Phoebe?

    I'm gonna have Francine plot right next to Chrissy's house :3
    Hey c: just wanted to let you know that I found and adopted Francine from someone else.. thank you for offering both of them <3
    Hey! Just wanted to let you know I'm very tired right now, can I get your order done later today? Let me know, ty :]
    I will get the last couple items in the next hour or so. I apologize, had some unexpected matters to attend to. Will let you know ASAP, thanks!
    Yeah, sorry. I had like 3 other orders. I'll start on yours after I complete the rest
    Sorry, but I'm missing the Gonzo card, and I have the card being shipped to me. but I got the rest of the cards that you mentioned, if you still want those other items, let me know. Thank you <3
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