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  • woah, that's super cool! I think tracing is actually a really handy way to get into drawing and learning the basics. it sounds like you have a great brother though who i'm sure has taught you a lot. you shouldn't not feel proud of tracing btw, anything that helps you get better is a good thing! now you're doing all of your own original works. :D

    i mostly learnt digital design myself through photoshop. i wouldn't say i'm super amazing at it or anything but i've learnt a lot so i'm happy with that. i also do a lot of video editing in my spare time which again, i taught myself. does any of this stuff interest you? :)
    WOAH. that's a long time! it has definitely paid off for you, your works are super duper pretty. i've always wanted to draw but sadly no skills there :( I do some design here and there though which is fun! what got you started drawing? i've always wondered how people begin to pick this stuff up, whether it's as a hobby or through school or something.
    you're an awesome artist! how long have you been drawing for? i adore the colourful style. 8)
    YES it is extremeeeely slow, and my other websites are fine as well! pretty sure the site was down for a few minutes too rip T__T

    edit: looks better now though! whew no pain of waiting for each page to load
    Oh, gosh sorry. I forgot that it's probably confusing for people ;A;

    P.S. Let me know if you do ever join Flight Rising, I have a bunch of stuff sitting around in my inventory :)
    Haha yeah. xD I'm now like a slave of everyday chores, especially the quest to catch certain fish!!! @v@; But still you have to see that it'd make me happy if I could help you with something!<3
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