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  • Hi again! :p

    Anyways... could you make some changes to my signature? :eek:

    Change Static to Chief
    Change Marina, Mira, and Pietro to Chrissy, Francine, and Muffy.

    Uhh and change the Peach Basket to an Perfect Apple, like just an Perfect Apple no basket or anything. :rolleyes:

    Oh and one more thing, can you please change my town name to Zenith?

    Since that's alot of updates I'll give you 20 TBT for it all. :)
    I'm sorry! I was trying to say you didn't need to animate the sig because the background was already animated. I confused things because I didn't word it correctly. I really appreciate you fixing it for me. Thank you so much!
    I'm so sorry to bother you but I just noticed that the background isn't animated anymore. Did I send you the wrong link? I can send you a different one if need be. Thank you!
    Hi! My signature isn’t showing up, would you mind helping me to get it to show up?
    Aaaaaaa I absolutely love it! Thank you so much! I'm on my way to work right now so I'll send the payment as soon as I get home tonight. I don't wanna accidentally fling it elsewhere on my phone ahahaha. ;;;; It's so pretty though!
    Thank you for the welcome back! <3 I've learned a lot about photoshop in school, and I'm even certified in it c:
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