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  • Hey man. I tried to get your attention with a "Nice!" in ORAS lol.

    But I'm free for awhile if you want to link up for a battle!
    Hey, Akat! Looks like you're one of my match-up's for the Pokemon Tournament. I'll be available tomorrow for the most part. Let me know when you can battle!
    Hi! I can go anywhere from 10AM to 9PM in the Central timezone (an hour behind fair time). Just pick what works with you best!
    And thanks haha. Truthfully I play better against Yoshi as Lucina from my past experiences because it's harder to land tip damage. If you're entering the TBT Fair Smash Tourney I'll look forward to facing you there again.
    Ah, that makes sense. I didn't see it in the rules or looked over it by mistake so I didn't know. I'll keep that in mind next time. Good games again though!
    My heart is beating non-stop from those battles. I thought you had me with Corrin honestly. Really good games!
    Hello! I'm here to inform you that it will be you vs DarkDesertFox in the Grand Finals of Smash Tourney XII!

    I wish you the best of luck!
    Good games! Cloud is definitely one of my worst match-ups lol.
    But I'm glad we could finally get these matches done.
    Maybe we will be facing each other again soon.
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