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  • It's no problem man. Stuff happens!
    We shall get this done tomorrow because I don't work until the evening. Looking forward to it!
    I'm gonna catch some Z's. I'll be around tomorrow though.
    Sorry again for the wait and running this thing so poorly, Akat!
    Sorry I've been a bit inactive in regards to our match lad. I've just been kind of busy. I'll try to be on as soon as I can, so thanks for being patient! I'm not in any rush though because the Loser's Bracket has a bit of catching up to do. Thanks again!
    I can play now if you are online

    edit: Let's shoot for 7:30 since I think you are offline now
    The earliest I can is 5:30. What's the latest you can? Otherwise we might have to try Saturday.
    Are you able to play 7:30 PM EDT tomorrow? If not, I can maybe try something earlier or later. Let me know.
    Ahh, good games!
    I always find it funny how bad I am against you xD especially since we seem to always be matched together pretty early on.
    I'll be home most the day, whenever you're about ready to battle PM me. I'll get an email notification from it (like 10mins later) so I'll know to get on :0
    Sorry, I was literally only on for a second at that time D:
    Unfortunately I can't today cuz I'm with family celebrating 4th of July.
    I did ask Jav for an extension though!
    Do you know when it's due by? :0
    I'll be out of town for a couple days due to 4th of July weekend.
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