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  • Yeah, the stages were fine with me. Good games though; I had similar problems against you, couldn't seem to get any of my hard-hitting moves off generally.
    Unless you're a total night owl like me and want to play when you get off. I'd hate to make you play right after you get off from a long shift though when you probably won't be at your best.
    Wow, our schedules are like the exact opposite of eachother's; I work 11am-4pm Monday through Saturday. We could try after I get off tomorrow.
    I'm free the rest of the day; I can actually play here at like 5 pm EST (25 minutes from now) if you want. Or we can play later.
    Thanks for accepting my friend request! Love the name btw! My favorite gang + my favorite mario character. :3
    Hey, I'm still available for the trading of the FL items :) All day today. Let me know if you got time.
    Good games man. I haven't practiced for like 2 weeks and I swear I'm doing one thing and it'll do something else. I gotta go so I'll forfiet the last match since you'd win anyway. Good games!
    Yeah, I hear ya. I've just been busy with work and school and trying to throw a social life in there too oh and not to mention Twilight Princess HD lmao. But yes, this was the first time we engaged in non-random combat hahaha. I knew I would walk away with an L against the 6 time(?)-Champion, but I went out swinging. Good games, once again.

    PS: I sent out your goods earlier this morning, let me know when they arrive!
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