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  • Oh goodness no I lost her a couple weeks ago ;w;

    I've started doing that with most orders too since I don't wanna be stupid again.
    Okay! I am ordering you the following (it'll take me a bit to get all of them since I'm paranoid about losing villagers since I lost Marina ;w; )

    batter's helmet, catcher's mask, cow bone, do-rag, explorer's hat, green headgear, kiwi hat, mohawk wig, paperboy cap
    (oh my god we need so many of the same hats this is ridiculous)

    blossom dress, cat dress, festivale tank dress, gaudy dress, graduation gown, gumdrop dress, lime dress, moldy dress, pastel-stripe dress, pinafore, red dress, ribbon dress, star tank dress, turnip dress, u-r-here dress
    You can bring it over later! I have to make dinner right now so I'll just send you a VM with what I order you in a bit.
    I know the feeling - I'm pretty much always on except when I'm at work. x_o

    I'll be ready in just a few minutes.
    I went ahead and ordered you stuff before I even saw your reply, hehe.

    I got you: bear pole, bowling pins, campfire, fire hydrant, freezer, game-show stand, juicy-apple clock, jukebox, kettle, & kitchen scale.

    I can order you more later tonight too if you're not super busy!
    B) ive been tting a lot to get benjamin out (ive had at least 8 villagers ping me thus far) and the fountain is coming along it looks so pretty !!! can i show u it when its all done?
    Gosh sorry, I didn't :/ I don't know how I forgot that...anyways, the gates are open now! I'm sorry for the long wait!!
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