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  • ready to try again if you are

    everything except these items came in the mail

    three lamp
    tower of pisa
    two lamp
    zero lamp

    may order some more stuff afterwards just to bump it to at least 10 again
    this. is. fun.

    round 3 sometime after some of your reorderables come in? hopefully its less spastic in the evening
    lets... try this again in a little bit?

    I think my net's being even dumber than per usual atm

    maybe an hour provided we're both still on?
    ready and open

    purchase items are surrounded by tools, everything else is stuff for cataloguing that I have on-hand
    just give me a few minutes to set up, and sure

    also got 3 more items ready that able sisters had in stock today

    king tut mask
    relay shorts
    vertigo tee

    it'll be a bit over 5 hours before (the first batch of?) your reorderable items arrive since I won't be TTing, but all unorderables are already on-hand (well except the cabana wall... have to pull that out of another character's house)
    I... Guess?

    lol, like I said I have all Gracie on-hand, and for the rest I was just ordering anything that I had that was very specific seasonal (bugman halloween mask and maybe some others? idr) or any that are harder to get beyond the normal rng for deciding what gets stocked or whatever (all spotlight items, camper stuff I have, museum stuff I have, etc)

    oh and the last remaining paper

    also I might have the jungle wall soon, since I've finished the bug portion of my museum... just need to wait for it to get stocked
    also, I probably should note that the game actually treats the patched clothing as garbage and it doesn't even show up in your catalogue anywhere even if you own (same with the old wall/floor, so the only Halloween neighbor trick items that do show up are the jack in the box and colored pumpkin heads)
    alright went through, and list of currently ordered or on-hand (provided I didn't miss any Gracie that was mislabeled as Able Sisters)

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