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  • Yup c: Awww that's fine! He changed his mind about moving but I want Flurry so I need him out xD I TT a lot so it shouldn't take long for him to request to move again ^^Ill let you know when he does~
    XD Yeah, I'm trying to clean up my hoarding town, and there's common flowers and hybrids everywhere, so I thought I might as well giveaway the common ones since most are gonna be smashed if no one takes them :p
    I just thought I'd offer since I seen you had a thread, and if I go to the island/force breed white roses, I'll come across more.
    Hello cx I see you want Marshal o.o You can have him from my town if you'd like. I don't really see the hype about him. Let me know if you're interested he's requested to move.
    Alright! I should be available later this week or next weekend.
    I can also get more from forced hybrid breeding and from the island, if you want more?
    If you do, I could do 1 tbt per 16 common flowers obtained this way (since it takes awhile to get them)
    o: So, 30 white tulips and 20 white lilies or...?
    I'll need to know the exact amount so I can gather them for a delivery/pick-up and so I know I even have enough (I should though)
    sorry for the delay. was gathering all the white flowers and putting them into my locker. i'll come after a quick trade
    hi, I have a bunch of white flowers that I can give you for free. let me know if you're interested
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