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  • Awesome, thank you for getting back to me.. :) Sorry for annoying you about it (I feel bad now), but I was trying to go down the list of all the orders and ticking them off since it's a bit confusing as there are many :) I'll send you a dodo code once I get back from dropping off an order just now! ):
    Hi! I see that you've been online, so I assume you're no longer interested in the Rover poster you had ordered? I did order it especially for you though, so if you change your mind let me know. Thanks.
    Hi! Your Rover poster is ready :) Drop me a Dodo code and I'll drop it off!
    For payment I'll send you a message when the tbt feature is back up.
    of course, theres a new dodo code in the thread, so sorry about the interuption
    Sure! Code is 72VQ4. I'm having several people over so maybe come by in a minute or 5?
    Just please don't take anything from next to Blathers' tent (or other items/flowers without asking), thanks :)
    Thank you so much for these good stats by the way! These Falinks are great! I would've given some of my own if I had any to spare.
    Ah I forgot about those others you needed! I can get you Weavile, Polteageist, and Alcremie. I have a Sirfetch'd but I want him back- he was part of my team when I played through the game. We can rejoin the trade with the same link code as before whenever, they're already ready.

    Also the max IV pokemon will be wonderful, but only if you want! I actually managed to complete my dex the other day!! :D
    Sorry I'm so late, I had stayed out far longer than intended. Either way itll give me time to organize pokemon you need! See you tomorrow.
    Yes actually! the babies were the first ones I took care of for my dex, admittedly. I gotta go do something though, can you give me about half an hour? I don't wanna keep you too long though so if that's too much we can always finish tomorrow.

    OH and if you have a spare female Salandit I would love it
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