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  • Yes please! If you have a Slurpuff that I should've traded you as well, can I have that one for just a single moment so its registered? I can also give you the Excavelier back.
    Ones on my list in bold are ones I can breed/evolve on my own, don't you worry! If you don't mind, I'll want the Escavalier back for just a moment to register it, and then I can give it back. I also need the Slurpuff for just a second as well.

    I know I have more pokemon to trade you than you do me, so I don't care if you give me some random pokemon that are extra or whatever. I'll just organize em all later :D
    I'm ready to trade if you are! Sadly I don't have my Silvally ready, but everything else is here for ya. I do wanna trade the Accelgor back to you, and you the Excavalier back to me, if thats alright, so they're both registered.

    I'm also updating my list so take a peek at that when you can.
    OH MY GOD I'm so sorry I actually fell asleep while trading I cant believe that. I need to take a break for myself because I'm that tired but I have all those but Silvally, Indeedee, and Dhelmise! Gimmie a little time for those at the least, (and I'll want my Silvally back)
    Kk I'm entering the code! I have an extra Rhydon and Phantump for you, dont worry, so we can both keep the evos!! I will give the aromatisse back for sure tho.
    Seems like you're about 9 hours in front of me. Hopefully I should be able to make it online fully by that time, I have some errands to run this morning that I totes forgot about.
    Sorry I'm so late I've been celebrating my bday!! I'll be organizing pokemon into my boxes for ya so I'll be ready to trade when we can. Probably wont be able to till tomorrow mornin. Me timezone is pst.
    I just wanted to quickly update you to check my list every so often! I've been chugging hard with the pokedex and am cutting out a lot that I can get on my own!! I wanna make sure you don't waste your time with one's easy for me to get (I have no life so even 1-2% spawn rates I consider easy)
    I will for you too! Thank you so much!! I've officially got 351 pokemon now registered and I can register a couple more tonight hopefully!! Less than 50 to go!
    Had ook eerlijk gezegd wel verwacht dat 'ie eerder zou komen. Heb de Switch zelf sinds release. Maar ik vind heel veel spellen leuk dus heb hem zeker niet voor niets gekocht ofzo.
    Jaa ik keek E3 bij een paar vrienden en die zeiden ook van nou het ziet er wel een beetje gek uit cx

    Maar idd ik ben eraan gewend en al met al denk ik wel dat het een verbetering is!

    Heb je al een Switch?
    I hope this too, after all, he calls himself "Nintendo Journalist and Leaker", so he better
    say something soon before the fanbase goes really crazy, lol
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