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  • i'm sorry i missed you! i'm online now and will be checking back for a few hours at least.
    sorry about 1 regular sapling being planted instead of dropped again :< i'll make it up to you next time!
    lordt hahaha oh noo T^T not sure, that's ok we can try again! haha please save every 2 trips to locker just to be sure ^^ ty
    hey, i'm sorry i wasn't on. my cat's been sick so i've been really busy and not feeling well either. i'll be checking back here more often, let me know when you're on again!
    hey!! no worries, i'm sorry for my late reply too! i'm online now and will be for a few hours and checking back later too, i'm CDT time zone so it's afternoon/evening for me. and the same for you, if you're not available that's okay! there's always tomorrow or another day. :blush:
    Ahh nice, heb zelf al een Switch gekocht voor de andere games. Nu alleen nog eventjes wachten op Animal Crossing :p
    Heb je eigenlijk plannen om Animal Crossing op de Switch te kopen of houd je het bij New Leaf?
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