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  • i just got a soft spot for the hardy's man
    they're my **** hahaha
    also there is no tables in smash rip

    wish i was goin to this shindig but i'll be coolin at home watching it with my lil bro
    Might not even make it past round 1 lol
    Crys uses pit and dark pit and I struggle against em rip
    I thought u said you thought i said church time i was like boi are u drunk that says crunch hahaha

    but yeah i been messin with peach and her ground floating is just the best
    I think your Marth been more on than your Falcon lately
    maybe because you've been putting a lot of sweat into uppin your Marth game
    Falcon still solid tho
    like you said Falcon during crunch time is on and I think crunch time Falcon is just about better than Marth
    honestly yea i think reigns just might be winning squeaky clean lol
    they been promoting him heavy this week
    he been on espn, conan, snickers commercial, etc.
    ya that first stock was something else lol

    i might jav pinned you down had it not been for that hot opening hehe

    but i'll be down to play some tonight!
    aight man i'm done for the afternoon haha
    great games as always
    some intense stuff toward the end
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