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  • omg, when that spike happened and i knocked you putof the animation but u still spiked me, i had enough salt to cook a steak.
    Honestly, I don't have a clue.

    Trust me, I really want to! I'll have the next two weeks off free from collecting siblings from schools and junk (Jobless so I just help around with the kids) so I'd be down anytime to smash, Tomorrow might have some issues on early times but Friday I'd be totally free to do so.

    Which reminds me too, how's Monster Hunter 4 doin' for ya?
    ya that reigns stuff was just garb hahaha
    lesnar resigned though
    i'm very intrigued to see what happens now

    wyatt is a fckn savage
    i wish he was going over i really wish he was going to become the new face of fear by beating taker
    but i don't think they'll let undertaker lose 2 years in a row
    he's probably fighting sting next year too so he's gotta look stronk

    suck though that young bray gotta lay down for 50 year old taker but hey what are ya gonna do
    yeah it's some tough sht man
    schedules flying all over the place and you're not trying to get in contact with 1 person for a match but fckn 3
    it's sucha hassle :mad:
    ayyyy :cool:
    I wish it would become a reality because I've always wanted to wreck face with a double Ganon squad since I did that with Thunder (mr. mod)

    But yeah it'll be even harder to get matches going (ngl this tourney #4 was a btch at some points haha) and then there's the extra chance of lag. :|
    thinkin about sharpening up the ROB too
    dude is lowkey savage and i think he could do some real damage
    Alright, I'm off to sleep. Thanks for the matches! I need the practice. How well do you think I am? Like, do I spam far to much? :x
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