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  • hi! i'm currently putting your request together- could you please let me know if you want delivery or pickup?

    i have these items reserved for you:
    all mermaid items
    all sloppy items
    all weeding items
    all fishing items
    birthday cake
    all wet suits
    all zen stuff
    Don't worry about it at all! Your life is more important than me getting some digital badge quicker lol! Just lmk whenever you'll be free although I do have to be asleep a bit earlier today unfortunately. If I can't make it then there's always tomorrow though!
    That'd be 8PM for me so it's be a great time! I'll make sure to check back throughout the day (but definitely more around that time) to see if you've VMed me. See you then and have a good night!
    Perfect! I'm sure I need a bit less than 1000 now to get the gold, but let's just do another 1000 just to be safe! I can totally do tomorrow, whatever time suits you! (As you can see I'm pretty versatile with time, it's 4:39AM and I ain't sleeping any time soon!) Doing it at the same time as the first session again or perhaps a bit earlier would be great but if you need it later that'd be okay too, again just suggest a time and it'll most likely be okay!
    Thank you for all that! I already had the silver badge and I was hoping this would net me the gold one, but if I don't quite get it then would you be willing to schedule another session sometime in the future to finish it off? It definitely doesn't have to be now as I'm sure you're sick of it haha but I'd really appreciate it if we could do it again sometime soon! And lmk if the second payment sent alright ^_^
    Sure that's fine! I'm shiny hunting on pokemon right now while watching livestreams so don't worry I'll be awake for a while! Just VM me again when you are ready and I'll gladly come over!
    Got it done- thankfully I managed to get all of them easily and didn't have to go searching for the last one lol! (I made sure to talk to Leif as well!) I know you're getting back pretty late but when you do, we can schedule the next session! I could even do it again today when you are back and prepared (It was actually pretty fun!) but I understand if you don't want to have to set it up again and we can do it another day! I'll check back around 3AM to see what you think ^_^
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