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  • Lol you accidentally posted on your own page. Been there. I'm down for one more weeding session when you're ready
    Given that you haven't indicated whether you want more weeds or not, I was going to give it to another person. If you're interested in more weeds, 1000 weeds will take 1 hour to accumulate or 500 weeds in 30 minutes.
    Thank you for the extra bells! I will be available around 9:30-10PM EST if you need more. I will have the weeds ready for you.
    If we do it tomorrow, will have to be in evening again as I'll be gone until at least 5pm EST
    Sent a little extra tbt for keeping you waiting. I'll let you know asap if I'll need another visit. My town is rainy today so Phineas won't show
    Good evening! I hopped on a few minutes earlier than 9PM to check for PMs. Whenever you're ready just let me know. Thank you!
    Ahh, so sorry! I was busy yesterday and didn't get much sleep, so I went to bed early. Are you available today? If not, we can meet up tomorrow around 11 AM EST, if that's alright with you c:
    Tomorrow night around 9 PM sounds great. I appreciate you doing this so I'm happy with whatever works best for you. ^^
    I'm fine with waiting until tomorrow. My family & I are doing breakfast together so I won't be available until around 11 AM tomorrow. I should be free for a few hours after that as well. Is 11 AM too late or will that be okay? Thank you!
    Hey! Just wanted to let you know, I just now got the Gold Badge for weed pulling - I guess I only needed about a thousand. Anyways, is it alright if we cancel the other sessions? And, I've already sent you the TBT earlier for it. Thanks for helping me, love! c:
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