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  • Hi, I'm sorry, I'm currently waiting for someone to pick up a villager, are you able to give about 10 minutes?
    Hi, sorry to miss you! I had something come up.
    I'll be available tomorrow until about 2pm est (noon, my time)
    Hi. I'm sorry I wasn't on earlier. My husband is on vacation this week & we were doing some things around the house that we've been putting off. We finally forced ourselves to sort through the rat supplies we still have so it's been a sad day so far. 9 PM EST tonight sounds perfect. Thank you.
    Thanks for letting me do such large batches lol. Phineas better have that gold weeding badge for me on the next sunny day :p
    I'm available until 4pm your time, then again at 7pm. Also your time. Let's do 1k just to be sure I'll hit 5k and qualify for the gold badge when Phineas finally shows up
    Ah, yes! Your items are still available! I'm so sorry that we keep missing each other! Are you still online? ;;
    Good morning! I’m available for an hour or so, and then I have to run some errands! I should be back around 1 PM or 1:30 PM EST, if that works for you. Unless if you’d like to do it now!
    Oh my GOSH. I feel so bad. I ended up being super busy yesterday. I'm usually available at night once my family is asleep. Would now be a good time? If not, I have to meet with my counselor tomorrow in the morning and then deposit some checks into my bank, but after that's all said and done, we can do the trade, if you're not available now ^^
    Yeah. Hopefully the weather will be right to see if he shows up tomorrow. I'll let you know
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