aaa thank you very much for saying that ;___;
i'm very glad you like it!! :')) I'm 100% determined to finish it on the weekend SO PREPARE URSELF
i think i ended up exaggerating it oops but i hope you like it nonetheless lol
gaaah you're so nice!!! YOU'RE THE KIND ONE T v T thanks for your understanding..! i want to distract myself from negative thoughts as much as possible right now... sigh for some reason i tend to run into one black pitch into another T v T;;
i'm very glad you like it!! :')) I'm 100% determined to finish it on the weekend SO PREPARE URSELF
i think i ended up exaggerating it oops but i hope you like it nonetheless lol
gaaah you're so nice!!! YOU'RE THE KIND ONE T v T thanks for your understanding..! i want to distract myself from negative thoughts as much as possible right now... sigh for some reason i tend to run into one black pitch into another T v T;;