Thank you! I'm sorry it happened to you as well! I went several years not having a pet because I couldn't afford to properly take care of one. I take very good care of my two kitties now though. I just spent $850 on one of them to have a her teeth cleaned and a tooth pulled! Expensive, but her health and comfort are important to me! ^-^ In my opinion, if you aren't willing to pay (at minimum) to have your animals checked up at the vet every year, you should not have them! I can understand not having the money for hugely expensive surgeries or things like treating cancer, but basic preventative medical care is a requirement! I am frugal with many things, but I happily drop tons of money on good food and vet care for my pets! ^-^
Good luck with the vet call! I hope you hear some good news. Let me know! Also, corgis are adorable! What is her name? <3