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  • Thank you! I'm sorry it happened to you as well! I went several years not having a pet because I couldn't afford to properly take care of one. I take very good care of my two kitties now though. I just spent $850 on one of them to have a her teeth cleaned and a tooth pulled! Expensive, but her health and comfort are important to me! ^-^ In my opinion, if you aren't willing to pay (at minimum) to have your animals checked up at the vet every year, you should not have them! I can understand not having the money for hugely expensive surgeries or things like treating cancer, but basic preventative medical care is a requirement! I am frugal with many things, but I happily drop tons of money on good food and vet care for my pets! ^-^

    Good luck with the vet call! I hope you hear some good news. Let me know! Also, corgis are adorable! What is her name? <3
    Yeah I am playing around with it, so maybe I will be able to put some stuff up sometime soon. Thank you for the support! ^-^

    It was very difficult to see her that way. What made it hardest though was knowing that she probably could have been treated, but my parents literally never took her to the vet no matter how much I begged them to. (I was maybe 12, so I couldn't do it myself. My parents were cheap and all around terrible people, but that is a story for another day.) She got to a point where she was having them every other day, and at that point we put her down so she wasn't suffering anymore. I'm glad to hear your doggy hasn't had one since, and I'm sorry the meds are making her drowsy. I think it is a good idea to talk to the vet and see if she really needs them or not. It is sad that the only way you would know is if she has another though. What kind of dog is it?
    Oh, that sounds pretty cool! I might check it out! Thanks for telling me about it :>
    Thanks for the recommendations! I will definitely keep that in mind! I only have experience using traditional, and mostly just pencil or charcoal. I haven't really drawn seriously since high school (which is like 10 years for me XD). I downloaded Art Academy for my 3DS and have been playing with that, but that is the extent of my digital drawing experience. I feel like I might actually be able to do color this way though! I was always TERRIBLE at anything involving color, so I stuck with black & white. Maybe I can get good enough to post some things in the Museum, or do commissions sometime. ^-^

    As a side note... I am so sorry to hear about your poor doggy! :C I hope it is doing better. I had a dog who had epilepsy when I was younger, and it always broke my heart to see her have a seizure... Hang in there and let me know if you need to talk to someone! <3
    Oh very cool! Thank you for the info! I actually have an account on deviantart and imgur, but haven't played around with them much yet! ^-^ I knew you could make albums private on imgur, but I didn't know about sta.sh! Thanks for letting me know! Your Drowsy OC is adorable btw! ^-^

    So do you draw digitally or by hand? I am trying to get back into drawing and am looking for opinions on programs and equipment people use!
    Well I don't think I'm going to work on it now, (almost my bed time ~2 hours). When I wake up tomorrow I'll finish it~ If I remember correctly I just need to color from the head up except the eyes cause I did that
    You use firealpaca but with what device? :eek: The funny thing is I'm using a tablet that's not meant for drawing, but I plan on getting a wacom around 1 or 2 months
    Oh I found a tablet around my house, and I'm using Ibis Paint X. I luv it so far, but need more practice with it definitely ^^
    I didn't forget your OC! I am actually like over 50% done with it, I'm using a different device and it looks amazing so far O.O Well it needs to charge, I will have it done tomorrow if not before.
    yeah i could easily make that or void chickens but idek maybe i will try save a million gold for that thing in desert idek xD and yeah i stopped caring about that even though u get a stardrop from it i think those rarities are damn insane and the fishing sucks ( i now have the easiest mod for it but yee)

    aye night c:
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