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  • i got lucky with those things, i got way too many dinos and stuff lol xD
    yeah i could probably make a new for the joja mart achievement, i don't know but yeah it's def. on hiatus now untill they fix rarity stuff.. also i should probably craft items and cook for those but nah
    yeah i feel ya. i got robin and paper mario i think rest i was just wtf is this rubbish lmao. i mean i dont really play or own a wii u so i had no idea about like half of them lol

    yeah i don't really play it much though because i'm too lazy and annoyed at some museum items i still need, those you need to fish or just have 0.00001% of getting while digging worms lol. migh tpick it up after update though idek
    Yeah it was nice and yeah it was the only one trad. afaik yes ;3 I'm sure more than two people would submit that, or I don't know? But yeah def. separate it if you actuall get 10-12 or more next time yes.

    Yeah I was on the first night bc I actually have Discord but yeah it was more or less a typing contest and I preferred the IRC ones, then I got banned from the server lmao and I couldn't care less about the other ones because I'm a real casual gamer in general, and off-topic would have been more fun.
    thank you :D glad you liked it. it was a shame they never really cared about trad. art in the voting, like only one trad. was monkey d luffy's one piece thing, rest was the same digital.. nothing against either but really they should have two categories if they are gonna bias one medium like that..

    i was in the fair 2014. i wish they kept the irc trivia rather than moving to discord bc their stupid doubles about rules and it became a typing contest. also that they changed the last night to random gaming rather than off topic bummed me..
    Yeah, sometimes I do sigs from scratch or just crop random fandom stuff of the internet.

    I'll see if I can find it, the art and send the link, otherwise it's probably down the archives thread in the museum. idek if i ever shared my avatar+sig other than submission and idek where i have them atm so.
    Helllooo, you're commission edit is finished! {x}

    Also, you've got a slot in my shop xD Feel free to post a form~ {x}
    i joined in 2009 (maybe 10?) nd when i started playing again recently i kinda overlooked old school and now i feel like id be too lazy to get my stats back up LOL
    my username is claire marie, ill add u in a sec. i think my stats are prob lower than urs LOL
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