Hey there, just wanted to let you know I won't be able to work on your commission again until Tuesday. I'm leaving town for a few days and wanted to let you know! Once I get back it shouldn't take much time, I was almost done ^-^
Just finally got home after a very long day of work, gonna get settled and start on your order. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours, and that's the norm with ink drying, coloring, and the occasional break once I've gotten the original sketch.
I FINISHED ( I think)
If theres anything you do not like, please do tell ;-;~ something i missed, DO TELL DO IT, DO TELL RAWR
Edit:rip, i messed up the hands
Edit: I fixed it ( i think) http://puu.sh/nq82p.png
Hey just wanted to inform you that I am almost finished with your drawing, ( since its mostly black its pretty easy xD) Just need to finish the hair, and fill in a few other things I always spend the longest time with hair, but It should be finished sometime tomorrow!