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  • Sometimes I just can't handle what these writers put me through lol but hey it's great writing.
    Gate's open
    zzzzzzzzzzz... don't worry about Cally I backtracked the day to make sure she doesn't leave! hit me up tomorrow... i close at my restaurant won't be home till super late my time
    I know. I'm holding Chops for someone. I'll probably go to bed really soon Marshal will go when it's his time...
    i'm plot resetting Jacques... as you can see! I will be around just wait a few minutes... I should show up, I won't got to bed for another like 2-3 hours lol
    Oh and can you teach me how to plot reset just in case Felicity ends up in a horrible out of the way spot.
    Just gave toadsworthy Jacques I'll try and cycle Marshal and Felicity out then I just wanna sleep lol. Why did Gloria have to move in my main ;_;
    its 11:36, but i was getting bored cause nothing was happening... now I'm taking in Jacques and can plot reset him! lol
    damn thats lucky... I HAVE to have benches everywhere or else they want to move right next to me... when you gonna want cally?
    Oh people reserving and then never contacting me even thought they were online...I'm cool with reservations as long as you keep in touch and I've only had 2 problem people other than that everything has been smooth so I just redid my rules.
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