Meliara Jan 21, 2015 Awwwe. One of your alts is Aang? Cute. We had gerbils names Aang, Sokka and Zuko. =) My alts are Zuko and Mai.
Awwwe. One of your alts is Aang? Cute. We had gerbils names Aang, Sokka and Zuko. =) My alts are Zuko and Mai.
Miss_March Jan 21, 2015 Eh I'm calling it...I can't stand anymore lol it's 4am and I have a 3 year old waking up at 8:30-9 >_< I'm going to insist upon super nap time lol I'll try to be back on at 11am est but no promises lol
Eh I'm calling it...I can't stand anymore lol it's 4am and I have a 3 year old waking up at 8:30-9 >_< I'm going to insist upon super nap time lol I'll try to be back on at 11am est but no promises lol
Miss_March Jan 21, 2015 Omg her mouth...she was a beginning villager in my cycle town. Sometimes I wonder what was going through the artists' heads on some of these villagers
Omg her mouth...she was a beginning villager in my cycle town. Sometimes I wonder what was going through the artists' heads on some of these villagers
Miss_March Jan 21, 2015 Oh if you happen to run across Erik I'd like him to be my main lazy so id maybe take him in my cycle or main whichever has room
Oh if you happen to run across Erik I'd like him to be my main lazy so id maybe take him in my cycle or main whichever has room
Miss_March Jan 21, 2015 Good just let me know when he's ready getting pretty sleepy lol Late night AC music isn't helping either x_x
Good just let me know when he's ready getting pretty sleepy lol Late night AC music isn't helping either x_x
Miss_March Jan 21, 2015 Do you have a golden axe I could borrow? I'd love to clear cut my cycling town so I could weed easier when Leif appears.
Do you have a golden axe I could borrow? I'd love to clear cut my cycling town so I could weed easier when Leif appears.
Miss_March Jan 21, 2015 Let me TT a bit if you can hold them for maybe 30 minutes I don't know could be sooner If I could just av Clay or Maelle we'd be in business
Let me TT a bit if you can hold them for maybe 30 minutes I don't know could be sooner If I could just av Clay or Maelle we'd be in business
Miss_March Jan 21, 2015 Got them heading back now it's funny because the petition was "Go nuts for nuts" and you have squirrels
Got them heading back now it's funny because the petition was "Go nuts for nuts" and you have squirrels