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  • That would be awesome! Are you currently TT'ing? I have a spot open, so I've been worried that I'm going to get a random move in. x_x
    I'm unsure. I offered to buy him from a thread on here, but the user hasn't gotten back to me yet, really.
    when do you want cally back? she just went into boxes... but i mean i will hold off cycling until you want her back... a break from it will be nice lol
    Are you looking for Hazel also? Or do you have her already? I just got her in my town also, I think she was a random move in, not a voided villager, she didn't say anything about another town, so she should be 100% original atm
    Yes I saw. Well so far Maelle has been voided but that's about it took 2 game months before someone who could actually leave asked.
    Ok I told O'Hare to stay and Felicity is leaving so I'm going to make Deirdre move from my main and get my bf's ds and put the cycling cartridge in his...lord these animals are making me insane lol
    Yeah my bf didn't forget cause his bday was yesterday so he's always considered it like a bday present for himself lol.
    Also when would you like Marshal? I have O'Hare wanting to move but his person isn't online I can still stop him though if you want Marshal tonight.
    Did you watch Aang's series? I hadn't watched tv in years til my hubby got me hooked.(back when we were dating)
    I watched up til the last episode of season one for Korra but I wasn't a fan. My hubby says it gets better and isn't as much teen drama-ish so maybe I should give it another shot. I've watched Aang's series a few times though. =)
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