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  • Kk. I have to be away from the comp for a bit but I'll come when your gate pops up again.
    Ugh talking to my main villagers so I could get Jacques out so Felicity could move in and pekoe needs sigs could I maybe get them from you really quickly?
    I'm charging my ds atm but I can always try to get someone out later. 2am is usually when I crash
    Oh I know I love that method. Also while doing it in my main if your safety net never tells you anyone is moving try talking to someone else because your safety net may be the mover. I was like Phoebe who's moving come on it has been 4 days?! and I talked to Pekoe and she said Phoebe is thinking about moving you should stop her.
    Yeah, funny how much faster it is to cycle everyone than just tẃo slots. I placed pwps while cycling to narrow it down and make plotting my dreamies easier. It was super convenient having my town as a cycle town first.
    Yep. Cycling is fun. Until you get 52 autovoids in a row and you begin to question why you're doing it. Lol.
    Yep. Fast forward one month. Save. Forward another month. Save. Forward 5 days. Someone is boxed up and someone else will have moved in. (There will be a plot after the 2nd month TT if you're suuuuper curious.)
    Ugh finally Tammy is moving out...let me see if her lurker is online if not I'm giving her 5 minutes and voiding her.
    Ok so Lobo has just moved in and isn't unpacked yet, right? So then you TT 3 days into the future and then use whomever you'd like as a gossip this person will tell you who's moving. So you chat Peanut up and she tells you who is moving and then if you want them to ping you and give you the date then you just run by them and what-not. If you don't want a date and you'd rather not risk them telling you they've decided to stay just TT 1 day at a time until Isabelle tells you someone is moving.
    I use an auto void that no one wants, Maelle or my Felicity, that I don't have room for atm as my informants.
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