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  • Ah that's so cute! I would totally give my sets for that! There's tooooo many things to be done I have haven't resetted. Probably New Year's.
    I've actually never seen the cartoon with Korra in it, but I have seen Avatar the Last Airbender! :)
    Omg did you really trade all the sets? XD Could you send me a pic? I just love your OC's so much! ^-^ and signatures, lol.
    I've been so obsessed with animal crossing since the update that I've had to restart majoras mask and ocarina of time as I couldn't remember where I was up to! Was getting too annoyed trying to figure it out...I'll be more relaxed for the next week or so as I've sorted out my town layout now. Just need to do a massive tidy up
    I have 2 standard poodles, a boy and a girl :) what kind is yours?
    Oh I really want some of those chain things that GameStop sell but I can't seem to find any in this country :( they're so cute! Although I'm not sure I need more to spend my money on.
    I bought a littl binder for my 50 welcome amiibo and Sanrio cards. Bought one of each of the other 4 albums..but I'm a bit obsessed with filling the spaces now.
    Only going to be missing 2 ac amiibo figures - blathers and Cyrus. I'll get those after Christmas along with the new LOZ ones
    Omg...I need to stop spending :-/
    I think there is a tracking number for Felyne...should probably check that out really. I got him quite cheap and free delivery! I had been looking for a while but some places are so expensive. So when I saw this one on eBay I couldn't resist!
    I'll send you a picture when it arrives! I'm just like a big kid since this update...bought some many amiibos and cards. I never bothered with cards before and now I'm obsessed with getting series 1 before they stop producing them or something silly.

    Ah, my dogs are getting their own little bag of presents for Christmas. Not sure why I bothered as they just chew them to pieces but it's exciting for them :)
    Ah, I have work later! Off over Christmas though so I don't mind too much.
    I'm more annoyed because I'm waiting on international trades and parcels to arrive and they take a while under normal circumstances :( I ordered a Felyne amiibo from Japan and I've got an Australia and America card trade to arrive...if the sorting offices are striking then God knows how long it will add on to the expected dates
    Busy! I'm just getting annoyed at the postal service..they're striking next week and even on Christmas Eve. All my trades are delayed already with Christmas coming up.
    Might stage a protest or something but it's a bit cold to chain myself to the post box

    How are you?!
    Ah okay. I was so confused XD I honestly like spending my TBT on art than actual on game stuff, lol. :)
    Sammee. Well I don't have so much TBT to get a lot of OC's, but the 3 I have right now suffice! I've made an offer for one, and currently have expired_yogurt making an OC for me! ^-^
    He's good, all great! But since I'm destroying my town, I hope someone will take him! Reyrey offered me a free Marshal in my new town, So I'd open a spot for a holder. I love your bio btw!
    Also, do you have your signatures on a cycle, or do you change them every time because your signatures are always different?
    This might sound weird, but I'm just telling you that you have the cutest OC's, esweeny! Oh and I still have Marshal, tyvm for him! <3
    Sorry I haven't finished your art yet... ;^; I have a WIP sketch up in the thread though if you would like to take a look! <3 Let me know if you want anything changed! ^-^
    Did I ever give you your villagers? You requested Julian and Victoria from me.
    Can I have Rilla's set ? Sending TBT right away ! Also I think I'll receive it next Sunday , as it is the only day we can be online at the same time.
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