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  • sorry! I've been busy all day, but I'm ready whenever you are! (this is for deidre)
    I won't be awake at 6pm CST , it's like 3 AM in here . Look , can we do the trade tomorrow at the time we were supposed to do it today ?
    I don't know what happened , you were supposed to be here 3 hours ago . Maybe something happened and you couldn't get online . I'll wait for 2 more hours and if you don't come we'll just do it another day.
    It says you're offline and your town isn't popping up. :c I put in the fc you told me to put in.
    Yes, I'm totally ready! You don't know how happy I am right now. You're awesome. ☆u☆
    Would right now or in the next 2 hours be okay? she just moved out (you have no idea how much I disliked that villager LOL)
    sure! i might need her held for a bit, since i need to tt if that's okay? i have an essay due so I can't pick up today, but can I tomorrow? :3c
    ^^; you are so kind, thee villager is moving out around the 10th, but I might just time travel a couple days ahead to get her booty out aha ! How much is he ?
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