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  • Really? :0
    I have it installed ;v ;
    It didn't alert you that a '" downloaded?
    Well I'm really sorry for disappearing suddenly >.<
    Since it's Saturday I'm playing an Mmorpg game :I
    Sorry I haven't been on in a while..Kinda got busy with school ;-;
    How's everybody else?
    (I tried to send this as a private message, but your inbox is full. I also wanted you to be able to see this, so... yeah. I'm sending you another visitor message ^^u On the upside, it's your 222nd one!)

    Okay, I'm glad to hear that little villager edit won't be too much more. ^^

    Do you have a rough idea of how much your prices have inflated? I'd like to have some numbers in front of me so I can actively plan for this transaction. I'm still new to the site, so I'm still working my way to making some Bells for myself.

    Hoping you are well, Scarfy
    Hey, I visited your dream town and I love it! Very well put together and I love the three different themes/areas you have. That's all~! :D
    I have a legit shiny mawile, my friend got it with me at school lol what can you offer
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