I said until the 14th, not the last day to enter is the 14th. Means once the 14th was hit, entries were no longer accepted. I even posted this yesterday
Oh wie toll, ein Nachbar! Jepp, ich komme aus NRW, also aus dem Westen, bin also ein bisschen von Österreich weg, war da aber letztes Jahr im Urlaub. Schön, dass es hier auch andere aus meiner Zeitzone gibt, auch wenn ich wegen Nachtschichten eh meist spät/früh online bin und jetzt erst ins Bett gehe.
Sorry. It was so late here and here and I was soooo tired and kept falling asleep. Seeing as it was 2am here. Thought that trade was gonna go a LOT quicker from the first time I tried to trade otherwise I wouldn't of bothered. Is there any chance you could be online a LOT earlier tonight?