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  • Lmao! Well knowing TBT, I wouldn't be too surprised.
    Plus there were very sensitive subjects being discussed on there :/
    I'll try not to dream of sour things :)

    Be sure to make sure you have voted on the new poll I made :) I deleted the old one.
    Fuzzybug, I meant to say "I wasn't being mean" but I accidentally said "I was" lol

    I'm just having a delightful chat with Chrome :3 Maybe afterwards I might come :)

    Can you hear me?


    Can you see me?


    Can you find me in the night?
    Omg I just read it xD wow, that was horrible.
    Was he really going to ban everyone in the thread? Maybe he was kidding? :eek:
    I know, I'm so sorry :'c
    Aw thank you, love! I may as well take that advice of being careful, and taking advantage of my break.
    Oh really? I saw it was closed but never opened it! What was wrong with it? :eek:
    Gah omg I'm so sorry! I'm texting from work at the moment, and I won't be home anytime soon ;-;
    My manager is keeping me in tonight, and looking at my schedule I won't have another night off til Thursday night.

    Lol I completely understand your situation, love, wanting to be able to focus on hanging out.
    Again, I'm sorry :c Work sucks right now.
    Ooooh, I see.

    Interesting... well, good luck then! :)

    Wait... what if it's Sparro doing it? o_O
    The first poll is up for my town :) no one else has voted yet since none of the people involved are online atm
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